The Bureau commended the Panamanian authorities for preventing 59,000 hectares of La Amistad National Park being released for oil exploration.
The Bureau noted that the Costa Rican authorities have not responded to the Secretariat's letter of 6 February 1992, requesting them to consider revising the boundaries of the Talamanca-La Amistad Reserves by deleting four Indian Reserves in the north-eastern Atlantic sector and submit a map showing the new boundaries of the site. Furthermore, the Bureau was also informed by the representative of IUCN that earlier plans to construct a road through the middle of the Talamanca-La Amistad Reserves of Costa Rica were also being revived.
The Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to contact the Costa Rican authorities to request, once again, that they consider revising the boundaries of the Reserves and provide a map showing the new boundaries. Furthermore, the Bureau requested the World Heritage Centre to obtain detailed information regarding the proposal for constructing a road through the middle of the Talamanca-La Amistad Reserves, including an assessment of the potential impact of this project on the state of conservation of the site. A report on the situation should be given to the Committee at its forthcoming session.