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World Heritage Convention

Decision 36 COM 7A.14
Everglades National Park (United States of America) (N 76)

The World Heritage Committee,

1.   Having examined Document WHC-12/36.COM/7A,

2.   Recalling Decision 35 COM 7B.14, adopted at its 35th session (UNESCO, 2011),

3.   Welcomes the significant effort of the State Party to refine and quantify the indicators developed for the Desired state of conservation for removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger and to connect them to the 14 corrective measures allowing a comprehensive report on progress;

4.   Expresses concern about the results of the assessment of the effects of exotic invasive plant and animal species which concludes that exotic species are affecting native animal communities as well as the biological processes that are the foundation of the property’s Outstanding Universal Value, and also welcomes the establishment of an appropriate framework and funding for addressing this threat;

5.   Notes with appreciation that the State Party is making progress on the implementation of the corrective measures, including the adoption of a common vision for a catchment scale approach to land and water planning and mobilizing the outstanding budget necessary for the full implementation of projects crucial to the delivery of more natural flow of water and improved water quality, and encourages the State Party to maintain this level of effort;

6.   Also notes that significant work remains to be done to recover the integrity of the property, and requests the State Party to consider, in its next report to the Committee:

a)  How progress with the corrective measures is being incorporated in the existing Management Plans for Everglades National Park,

b)  How the proposed new plans will provide added value to the corrective measures already underway,

c)  When actions in the proposed plans will be implemented;

7.   Also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2013, a detailed report on the state of conservation of the property, including progress achieved in implementing the corrective measures and in meeting the indicators developed for the Desired state of conservation for removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 37th session in 2013;

8.   Decides to retain Everglades National Park (United States of America) on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

Decision Code
36 COM 7A.14
Conservation, List of World Heritage in Danger, Reinforced Monitoring, Reports
States Parties 1
State of conservation reports
2012 Everglades National Park
Decisions adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session (Saint-Petersburg, 2012)
Context of Decision