XII.125 The Bureau was informed of the conservation difficulties existing at the Archaeological site of Chavin as well as the emergency measures undertaken. These measures concern the immediate halting of earth removal, the underpinning of some walls that risk collapse, the cleaning of ventilation conducts, the establishment of topographical plans to identify water filtration and the development of tourist circuits. The Bureau noted that the members of the Commission for the Chavin Master Plan had been pre-selected and that an enlarged Consultative Committee should define the Management Plan. An expert meeting should be held in May 2002 to assist the Commission for the Chavin Master Plan in defining this Plan.
XII.126 The Observer of Peru provided additional information on the work already undertaken that represents the first phase of a procedure for the Master Plan that will be established taking account of the recommendations made in 1999 by the ICOMOS expert. The second phase will be elaborated and the implementation of the emergency plan, based on an evaluation of the structural stability of the monument for which emergency assistance has been requested. Furthermore, the Observer of Peru confirmed the willingness of the authorities to finalize the Master Plan.
XII.127 The Bureau acknowledged the efforts made by the State Party to preserve the site, in particular through the application of priority actions within an emergency plan. However, the Bureau encouraged the State Party to finalize and implement the Master and Management Plans of the site and requested a detailed progress report by 1 February 2003 for study at its 27th session in April 2003.