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World Heritage Convention

118 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1993close
Year end: 1993close
Session: 17COM 1993close
By Year
The Hermitage, St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) At the request of the authorities of the Russian Federation, the Director-General decided to launch a large scale project for the rehabilitation of the Hermitage Museum. Two missions were organized in 1993 in which experts of the Kimbell Art Museum of Houston, and the Metropolitan Museum, New York, (USA) participated. Furthermore, UNESCO requested a consultant engineering firm in Edinburgh, (UK), to identify different components for a rehabilitation programme for the Hermitage Museum. This group of architects/engineers visited the site ...
Old Walled City of Shibam (Yemen) Referring to the torrential rains in spring 1993 which affected a number of houses of the Old City of Shibam, the Director of the Division of Cultural and Physical Heritage and the Delegate of Germany presented the slides made by a German film producer who had visited the site. Emphasizing the different threats being faced by Shibam, they both drew the attention of Committee members to the importance of emergency assistance to repair the sewerage network, the modernisation of traditional irrigation systems and maintenance work to make the terraces of the ...
Kizhi Pogost (Russian Federation) At the seventeenth session of the Bureau, ICOMOS informed about its involvement in the conservation efforts for Kizhi Pogost and that an expert mission would be undertaken to the site. The Bureau approved a technical assistance request to support this mission with funds provided under the Canadian Green Plan. The mission took place in summer 1993 and a full report was available. In collaboration with the Russian counterparts, the mission addressed issues such as legal protection, conservation management, fire protection, iconostasis conservation, ...
Sites: Kizhi Pogost
St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) ICOMOS reported to the Bureau at its seventeenth session on its review of factors related to the steady deterioration of the physical environment of the city. The Bureau supported the ICOMOS recommendation to explore ways and means to encourage exchange between the city's specialists and outside experts. An ICOMOS mission undertaken in June 1993 identified the following key problems: insufficient public resources, changing function of the city, housing and ecological problems, unplanned urban development, lack of appropriate management and heritage ...
Santiago de Compostela (Spain) At its seventeenth session, the Bureau discussed the problems posed by the construction of a sports hall in the World Heritage site. Severe concerns were transmitted to the Spanish authorities. Recently, an agreement has been reached between the municipal, regional and national authorities. ICOMOS evaluated the revised project and found it to be in harmony with its historic environment. The Committee expressed its satisfaction to the Spanish authorities for the action taken to maintain the integrity of the ...
Kathmandu Valley (Nepal) A joint UNESCO/ICOMOS mission was undertaken in November 1993 to evaluate current and past conservation activities to examine boundaries and to study the possibility of setting-up buffer zones, to verify the state of the listed the monuments, to assess the support capacities of the national and municipal authorities and to evaluate proposed amendments to the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act. The mission's conclusions stressed the continuing urgency of the situation and defined sixteen areas in which significant improvements should be made in order to maintain ...
Joya de Cerén Archaeological Site   675       El Salvador           C(iii)(iv) The Committee inscribed the site under criteria (iii) and (iv), but noted the fragility of the remains and recommended that particular attention should be given to its conservation.
Bamberg           624        Germany                C (ii) (iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (ii) and (iv).
Maulbronn Monastery Complex 546rev Germany C(ii)(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (ii) and (iv).
Humayun's Tomb, Delhi 232 India C(ii)(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (ii) and (iv).
Qutb Minar and its monu­ments, Delhi 233 India  C(iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criterion (iv).
Archaeological ensemble of the Bend in the Boyne 659 Ireland C(i)(iii)(iv) The Committee inscribed the site under criteria (i), (iii) and (iv) and invited the Irish authorities to control carefully future developments in and around the site and to involve ICOMOS in conservation and management planning.
Himeji-jo 661 Japan C (i) (iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (i) and (iv).
Sites: Himeji-jo
Buddhist Monuments in the Horyu­-ji area 660 Japan C (i) (ii) (iv) (vi) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (i), (ii), (iv) and (vi).
Yakushima 662 Japan N(ii)(iii) The Committee inscribed the site under criteria (ii) and (iii) noting in particular the sacred values of the ancient forests of Yakusugi and took note of the statement by the Japanese authorities that a coordinating committee for the site had been established. The Committee endorsed the suggestion in the IUCN report concerning follow-up measures.
Sites: Yakushima
Shirakami-Sanchi 663 Japan N(ii) The Committee inscribed the site of the undisturbed pristine beech forest under criterion (ii) taking note that the Japanese authorities incorporated the original buffer zone in the site and a new map illustrating the revised boundaries. Progress on strengthening the legal basis and preparation of a management plan was also noted. The Committee noted the desirability of a follow-up mission to review progress in about three years. The Delegate of Japan thanked the Committee for its deliberations and confirmed that the Japanese authorities will do their ...
Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino 554bis Mexico N(iv) The Committee recognized the exceptional universal value of the site as a sanctuary for grey whales and other important species and inscribed it on the World Heritage List under criterion (iv). The Committee noted that there is a need for significant improvement in the infrastructure required to manage the site as well as the need to enhance educational and promotional activities outlined in more detail in the IUCN Technical ...
Historic Centre of Zacatecas 676 Mexico C(ii) (iv) The Committee inscribed the site on the World Heritage List under criteria (ii) and (iv).
Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco 714 Mexico C(i)(iii) Following the recommendation of the Bureau, the original nomination of the mixed site of El Vizcaino was resubmitted as separate cultural and natural nominations. The Committee inscribed the cultural site of the Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco under criteria (i) and (iii).
Tongariro National Park 421rev New Zealand C(vi) N (ii) (iii) The Committee recalled that this site was originally submitted as a mixed site. However, it was inscribed in 1990 under natural criteria (ii) and (iii) only. At the same time as the Committee revised the criteria for cultural heritage, it requested the New Zealand authorities to resubmit the nomination as a mixed site. The seventeenth extraordinary session of the Bureau reviewed the revised nomination and referred it to the Committee. ICOMOS informed the Committee of a mission to the site in late November 1993. ...