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World Heritage Convention

524 Decisions
10 Resolutions
Year start: 2023close
By Year
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/2, Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/3 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/3.Add, Recalling that the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee, initially scheduled from 19 to 30 June 2022, was postponed by the Bureau on 21 April 2022, Also recalling that Rule 2.1 of its Rules of Procedure was suspended at its 17th extraordinary session (Decision 17 EXT.COM 3), Decides to hold its extended 45th session in presentia from 10 to 25 September 2023 in the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, under the Presidency of Her Highness Princess Haifa Al Mogrin (Saudi Arabia), ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.    Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/4 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.4, Part I - Guiding Principles 2.    Recalling Decisions 42 COM 8B.24 and 44 COM 8 adopted at its 42nd (Manama, 2018) and the extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, 3.    Considering the fruitful debates held during the meetings of the Open-ended Working Group established at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021) to broaden the scope of the reflection on sites of memory associated with recent conflicts, 4.    Also recalling that the World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/5 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.5, Inscribes the Rachid Karami International Fair-Tripoli, Lebanon, on the World Heritage List according to the emergency procedure, on the basis of criteria (ii) and (iv); Adopts the following Statement of Outstanding Universal Value: Brief synthesis The Rachid Karami International Fair-Tripoli has been erected in Tripoli, the second largest city in Lebanon and the capital of the Northern Governorate, and was designed by Oscar Niemeyer between 1962-1967 and built until 1975. The ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/5 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.5, Inscribes the Historic Center of the Port City of Odesa, Ukraine, on the World Heritage List according to the emergency procedure, on the basis of criteria (ii) and (iv); Adopts the following Statement of Outstanding Universal Value: Brief synthesis The historic centre of Odesa is part of a port city located on the Ukrainian shores of the Black Sea. It stands on a shallow indentation of the seacoast about thirty kilometres north of the Dniester River estuary. The city was ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/5 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.5, Inscribes the Landmarks of the Ancient Kingdom of Saba in Marib Governorate, Yemen, on the World Heritage List according to the emergency procedure, on the basis of criteria (iii) and (iv); Taking note that the authenticity, integrity, protection and management of the property or its potential vulnerabilities could not have been fully evaluated at this stage due to the lack of a technical evaluation mission to the site, Adopts the following Statement of Outstanding Universal ...
Decision: 19 EXT.COM 2  The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/19EXT.COM/2, Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.
Decision: 19 EXT.COM 3  The World Heritage Committee, Recalling its Decision 45 COM 17, adopted at its extended 45th session (Riyadh, 2023), Decides that its 46th session will take place in India tentatively in July 2024, in accordance with Rule 4.1 of the Rules of Procedure[1]; Elects in accordance with Rule 13.1 of the Rules of Procedure, its Bureau with the following composition: Chairperson: E. Mr Vishal V. Sharma (India), Vice-Chairpersons: Bulgaria, Greece, Kenya, Qatar, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Rapporteur: Mr Martin Ouaklani (Belgium), whose mandates will ...
The General Assembly, Elects E. Ms Paula ALVES DE SOUZA (Brazil), as Chairperson of the 24th session of the General Assembly; Elects Ms Uyanga SUKHBAATAR (Mongolia), as Rapporteur of the 24th session of the General Assembly; Elects Iraq, Norway, Poland and Rwanda as Vice-Chairpersons of the 24th session of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly, Having examined Document WHC/23/24.GA/2A, Adopts the Agenda included in the above.
The General Assembly, Having examined Document WHC/23/24.GA/2B, Adopts the timetable of the 24th session included in the above-mentioned Document.
The General Assembly, Takes note of the report of the Rapporteur of the 23rd session of the General Assembly (UNESCO, 2021).
The General Assembly, Takes note of the report of the Chairperson of the World Heritage Committee on the activities of the World Heritage Committee.
The General Assembly, Elects the following 9 States Parties: Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Lebanon, Republic of Korea, Senegal, Türkiye, Ukraine and Viet Nam, as members of the World Heritage Committee.
The General Assembly, Having examined Documents WHC/23/24.GA/6 and WHC/23/24.GA/INF.6, Having also examined the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ended 31 December 2021, Approves the accounts of the World Heritage Fund for the financial period ended 31 December 2021; Takes note of the financial report relating to the World Heritage Fund for the period 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2023.
The General Assembly, Having examined Documents WHC/23/24.GA/7 and WHC/23/24.GA/INF.7, Recalling Article 16 of the World Heritage Convention, Decides to set the uniform percentage for the calculation of the amount of the contributions to be paid to the World Heritage Fund by States Parties at 1% of each State’s contribution to the regular budget of UNESCO for an indeterminate period of time, with the understanding that this percentage can be revised in the future; Emphasizing the urgency of securing adequate financial resources to achieve the objectives of the World Heritage ...
The General Assembly, Having examined Documents WHC/23/24.GA/8 and WHC/23/24.GA/INF.8, Recalling Resolution 23 GA 11, adopted at its 23rd session (UNESCO, 2021), Also recalling Decisions 40 COM 7, 41 COM 7, 42 COM 7, 43 COM 7.2, 44 COM 7C and 45 COM 7.1, adopted respectively at the 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016), 41st (Krakow, 2017), 42nd (Manama, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019), extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) and extended 45th (Riyadh, 2023) sessions of the World Heritage Committee, Thanking H.E. Ms Yvette Sylla (Madagascar) as elected Chairperson of the Open-ended Working Group ...
The General Assembly, Having examined Documents WHC/23/24.GA/9 and WHC/23/24.GA/INF.9 and WHC/23/24.GA/INF.9.Add, Recalling 41C/Resolution 74, adopted by the UNESCO General Conference at its 41st session in 2021, Commends the efforts of the UNESCO Culture Sector and the Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs to establish the Model Rules of Procedure, and thanks the Secretariat of the 1972 Convention for having explored possible ways to harmonize the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly on that basis; Adopts the amendments to the Rules of Procedure as foreseen in ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/2.Rev, Taking into consideration Rule 8 (Observers) of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee, Authorizes the participation in the extended 45th session, as observers, of the representatives of the international governmental organizations (IGOs), international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), permanent observer missions to UNESCO and non profit-making institutions in the fields covered by the Convention, listed in Part I of the present ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/45.COM/3A, Adopts the Agenda contained in the above-mentioned document.