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World Heritage Convention

46 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1996close
Year end: 1996close
Session: 20BUR 1996close
By Year
The Bureau took note of information provided by the Secretariat regarding projects in the historical city of Cusco that could have a negative impact on the World Heritage values of the site. It invited the authorities to establish appropriate planning mechanisms for the historical city of Cusco and to inform the Committee through its Secretariat, in conformity with Paragraph 56 of the Operational Guidelines, of major restorations or new constructions which may affect the World Heritage value of the property.
Sites: City of Cuzco
The Bureau commended the Government of Poland on halting the construction works in the immediate vicinity of the Auschwitz concentration camp. It urged the authorities to devise a plan for the preservation of the site and its immediate surroundings and to keep the Committee informed on this matter.
The Bureau thanked the Antiquities Unit of Tanzania for having provided the state of conservation report. Since it is obvious that the site lacks proper documentation and a management plan, the Bureau recommended that a management plan be prepared by the Antiquities Unit of the Republic of Tanzania.
The Bureau expressed to the authorities of the Syrian Arab Republic its grave concern with regard to the serious damage sustained to the authenticity of this exceptional monument, the Omeyyades Mosque through the inordinate use of reinforced concrete, plaster and marble, and by the demolition and reconstruction work carried out without sufficient scientific studies and without taking into account international standards for authenticity and integrity. It recalled Articles 4 and 5 of the World Heritage Convention ratified by the Syrian Arab Republic on 13 August 1975, whereby States ...
Requests approved by the Bureau Conservation Strategy and Preparation of a Management Plan for the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (Honduras) In the light of the state of conservation report presented on this site, the Bureau approved an amount of US$ 30,000 for theelaboration of a management plan for the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve (Honduras) subject to the submission of a detailed budget outline for this request. Requests not approved by the Bureau Architectural Design of the Interpretation Centre at the Galapagos National Park (Ecuador) (US$ 25,900)The Bureau recalled the recent ...
Preparation of Interpretation Materials for the Galapagos National Park (Ecuador) (US$29, 900) The Bureau recalled that the total amount for promotion has already been fully committed and that no further funds are available.