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World Heritage Convention

57 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Year start: 1988close
Year end: 1988close
Session: 12COM 1988close
By Year
Xanthos-Letoon 484 Turkey C(ii)(iii) The Committee was pleased to note the assurances of the Turkish authorities to protect the site within a larger perimeter.
Hierapolis-Pamukkale 485 Turkey C(iii)(iv) N(iii) The Committee was pleased to note that the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs has decided to start work on setting up a national park during 1989. Furthermore, the Committee accepted the ICOMOS proposal to add natural criterion (iii) to cultural criteria.
The Tower of London 488 United Kingdom C(ii)(iv) The Committee has expressed its regrets regarding the building of the Tower Hotel, which would have best been avoided, and took note of the assurances of the United Kingdom authorities as to protection henceforth to be granted to the environment of the Tower of London. The Committee further suggested that inscription on the World Heritage List be extended to the Tower Bridge which constitutes a coherent whole with the Tower of London.
The Committee noted that the nomination of the Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve and adjacent forests, submitted by Madagascar, had been deferred by the Bureau and that this nomination would be re-worked on the occasion of a training workshop to be held in Madagascar in early 1989 with the financial support from the World Heritage Fund.
a) The Committee endorsed the recommendations of the Bureau and decided to defer the examination of the following nominations: Male Hukuru Miskiy 461 (Maldives) Utheemu Gaduvaru 462 (Maldives) Eid Miskiy 463 (Maldives) Fenfushi Hukuru Miskiy 464 (Maldives) Vadhoo Hukuru Miskiy 465 (Maldives) New Lanark 429 (United Kingdom) Pueblo of Taos 492 (United States of America)
b) Furthermore, the Committee decided to defer the inscription of the following nomination: Spanish Town 459 rev Jamaica The Committee decided to defer inscription of this property on the World Heritage List to enable the competent authorities to refine the protection plan and define the principles of an overall conservation policy for the historic centre.
Port Royal 457 rev Jamaica The Committee recognized the importance of this property for the national heritage of Jamaica but felt that the nomination did not meet the criteria for inscription on the World Heritage List.
Seville   458 rev Jamaica The Committee recognized the importance of this property for the national heritage of Jamaica but felt that the nomination did not meet the criteria for inscription on the World Heritage List.
Djoudj National Park (Senegal) The Committee recalled that under the agenda item on monitoring the state of conservation of World Heritage properties the Committee had decided to comply with the request of the Senegalese authorities to remove this property from the List of World Heritage in Danger.
Bahla Fort   433 Oman In accordance with the wishes of the Omani authorities the Committee decided to inscribe Bahla Fort on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
Sites: Bahla Fort
Wieliczka Salt Mine 32 Poland In the absence of information on the state of conservation of this property and the most urgent needs in terms of protection thereof, the Committee requested that a mission be organized to seek such information before the next session of the Bureau. Therefore, a decision on this matter was deferred.
65. The Committee discussed the question of procedures for the election of members (document SC-88/CONF.001/11), the Secretariat having stressed that its suggestions were of a very preliminary nature. 66. As regards rotation of States Parties within the Committee, the Committee felt that the Secretariat's proposal was acceptable. However, some flexibility might be required, especially to take into account the preferences of States Parties within the same region. One member stressed that the principle of rotation was not a mechanical exercise and that it should be applied taking into ...
73. The Secretary-General of ICOMOS read out a telex message from Professor Roberto di Stefano, President of ICOMOS, expressing the grave concern of his Organization about "the situation of architectural heritage, both urban and rural, in Romania". After describing the measures taken by ICOMOS, the message stated that this organization was ready to help the Committee in any way possible. The Committee noted that Romania was not a State Party to the Convention and that when the matter had been raised in the recent 130th session of Unesco's Executive Board, the Director-General had informed ...
74. The Committee decided to hold its thirteenth session in Unesco Headquarters in Paris from 4 to 8 December 1989.