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8050 Decisions
146 Resolutions
By Year
Sacred City of Kandy (Sri Lanka); Old Town of Galle and its Fortifications (Sri Lanka); Golden Temple of Dambulla (Sri Lanka) At its twenty-second session, the Bureau examined the reports from ICOMOS, the Secretariat and the Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka, concerning the damage at the Temple of the Tooth, Kandy, following the terrorist bombing in January 1998.  The authorities of Sri Lanka were requested to submit a report concerning the progress made in the restoration work undertaken, for presentation to the twenty-second session of the Committee.  To date, this report has ...
ICOMOS experts reported that conservation and restoration works are progressing steadily at the Temple of the Tooth.  In particular, the high level of management of the site by both conservation and administration teams was noted. Given the strong public support for the conservation policy including development control of the whole city, ICOMOS experts noted that the systematic approach applied to urban conservation in Kandy could serve as a model for other relevant areas in Sri Lanka. Seventeen recommendations were made by the ICOMOS experts for enhancing the conservation and ...
ICOMOS experts reported on the need for a clear demarcation of the World Heritage site and its buffer zone, and strongly recommended that the core zone should include the ancient harbour of Galle. Eleven recommendations were made by the ICOMOS experts which address (a) the need to increase the standards of conservation of the monuments and historic buildings within the site; (b) the need to carry out scientific research of urban development of the historic town and the architectural details and; (c) the need to prepare and implement, with adequate technical staff, an overall Development ...
ICOMOS experts reported on the state of conservation of the site and its buffer zone, including information on the improved infrastructure around the site.  However, ICOMOS experts expressed concern that no conservation work has been carried out at the Golden Temple since the site’s inscription on the World Heritage List, which has resulted in the general deterioration of the monument. ICOMOS experts recommended that immediate intervention be arranged.  ICOMOS experts made eight recommendations for improved conservation and management of the site, including the removal of ...
On 13 April 1999, the Ministry of Culture of Sweden informed the Secretariat that environmental impact studies for the different alternatives for the road upgrading had been completed as well as a specific study on the possible impact on the cultural values of the World Heritage site of Tanum. These studies will go through a consultative process before any decision is taken about the choice of the routing of the road. It is stated that the opinions expressed by the WHC-ICOMOS mission and the World Heritage Committee are valuable contributions to the process to determine the location for ...
The Bureau listened to the results of the mission dispatched by the World Heritage Centre to the study structural damage of the Tekiyeh as Suleymaniyeh.  After examination of the state of conservation of the site and the recommendations of this mission, the Bureau requested the Syrian authorities to undertake the minor interventions described in this report so that the monument may be opened to the public.
Having examined the state of conservation of the property, the Bureau considered that the primary action for the site is the establishment of the necessary regulations together with the creation of an on-site management office, to avoid further inappropriate interventions within the site.  The Bureau recommended to the Syrian authorities to collaborate with the Secretariat in completing the draft management plan, including the proposal for the regulations.  It also recommended that in continuing its collaboration, the Syrian authorities increase their financial contribution for ...
1) The Monument of Hagia Sophia of the Archaeological Park The Bureau thanked the authorities for the efforts undertaken and recommended that the International Scientific Committee meets without delay and in accordance with the terms of reference decided upon so that a work programme may be established. 2) Historic Areas of Istanbul The Bureau was informed of the international expert mission carried out in June 1999 to assist the Turkish authorities in the preparation of a periodic report on the state of conservation of the sites located in Fatih District– notably the site ...
ICOMOS reported on the results of a mission it undertook to Kiev in response to a request made by the Bureau at its twenty-second extraordinary session. The mission looked into the project to rebuild the Dormition Cathedral, particularly its hydrogeological implications. The mission concluded that, with the technology applied for the foundation, concerns for the stability of the soil are unjustified. Furthermore, the mission reported that the Hotel Intercontinental project has now been modified and it will not be higher than the surrounding buildings and will not be intrusive. It also ...
A mission sent by the World Heritage Centre in November 1998 to Sana’a had reported that there were plans for the extension of the Great Mosque of Sana’a and for the construction of a large fly-over between the two parts of the city.  The twenty-second extraordinary session of the Bureau (November 1998) recommended that work on these two projects should be halted pending a global study on the development of Sana’a.  This was communication to the authorities in January 1999.  The Secretariat informed the Bureau that the extension of the Grand Mosque has ...
The Bureau examined specific requests for international assistance and took the following decisions. NATURAL HERITAGE Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan - "Training for Nomination of Natural and Mixed Properties as World Heritage in Central Asia" (Training Assistance) - US$ 29,440 requested The Bureau approved an amount of US$ 29,440 from the natural heritage training funds for this project, subject to the WWF Russia Programme (WWF-PRO) confirming, before 31 October 1999, that it has been successful in raising the balance of US$ 29,900 needed for the ...
II.1 The Committee adopted the agenda (WHC-99/CONF./209/1), the Annotated Agenda (WHC- 99/CONF.209/2) and the Provisional Calendar with modifications. Following unanimous agreement, the Committee decided to discuss the Agenda Item 7 on 'Follow-up to the work of the Consultative Body to the World Heritage Committee', to enable a working group to be established under this agenda item and for it to complete its task as early as possible during the session. In response to the interventions by the Delegates of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Hungary, Thailand and Zimbabwe, the Chairperson proposed ...
IV.1 The Rapporteur of the twenty-third session of the Bureau (5 - 10 July 1999), and the third extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee, 12 July 1999, presented the two reports WHC-99/CONF.209/4 and WHC-99/CONF.209/5 respectively. Concerning the report of the twenty-third session of the Bureau, Mr Janos Jelen (Hungary) said the report reflects the debate of the Bureau and the document can be instrumental for States Parties and the members of the Committee when they prepare themselves for future meetings. Regarding the report of the third extraordinary session of the ...
VI.14 The Committee, having recognized that regional action plans had already contributed in a tangible manner towards the implementation of the Global Strategy, adopted under Chapter II for the Budget for 2000 an amount of US$ 278,000, of which US$ 20,000 for Central and Eastern Europe, and under Thematic Studies US$ 40,000 for ICOMOS and US$ 15,000 for IUCN. It also took note of Information Documents WHC-99/CONF.209/INF.8, WHC-99/CONF.209/INF.11, WHC-99/CONF.209/INF.14 and ...
VII.1 The Chairperson introduced item 7 and recalled the origin of the creation of this consultative body (twentieth session of the Committee, December 1996, Merida, Mexico). He informed the delegates of the relevant documents and requested the Director of the Centre to present the item. VII.2 The Director of the Centre took the floor and described the content of the Working Document and summarized the decisions to be taken that he proposed for submission to the Committee. The decision concerning the technical questions, amended by Benin, were adopted as follows: The Committee requested ...
VIII.1 Following the review of the state of conservation reports and at the recommendation of the Bureau, the Committee decided to inscribe the following natural and cultural properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger: Salonga National Park (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Rwenzori Mountains National Park (Uganda) Iguaçu National Park (Brazil) Hampi (India) VIII.2 The Committee did not recommend the deletion of properties from the List of World Heritage in ...
VIII.3 The Committee approved the change of the name of the following property included on the World Heritage List: "Sokkuram Grotto" to "Sokkuram Grotto and Pulguksa Temple" (Republic of Korea) Concerning the request from Germany, that "Roman Monuments, Cathedral and Liebfrauen-Church in Trier" is changed to "Roman Monuments, Cathedral Saint Peter and St. Mary's Church in Trier", the Chairperson suggested consultations between the Centre and the State Party to define the correct English version.
VIII.6 The Committee noted that Germany, following the twenty-third session of the Bureau, had withdrawn the nomination of The Cathedral of St-Maurice and St-Catherine, Magdebourg (Germany).  
Property: Península Valdés Id. N°: 937 State Party: Argentina Criteria: N (iv) The Committee decided to inscribe Peninsula Valdés on the World Heritage List under criterion (iv). Peninsula Valdés contains very important and significant natural habitats for the in-situ conservation of several threatened species of outstanding universal value, and specifically its globally important concentration of breeding southern right whales, which is an endangered species. It is also important because of the breeding populations of southern elephant seals and southern sea lions. The ...
Property: Discovery Coast Atlantic Forest Reserves Id. N°: 892Rev State Party: Brazil Criteria: N (ii) (iv) IUCN informed the Committee that the evaluation of this property has been undertaken based on the revised nomination submitted by the State Party in April 1999. The Brazilian Discovery Coast includes eight separate protected areas containing the best and largest remaining examples of Atlantic forest in the Northeast region of Brazil and contains high numbers of rare and endemic species. The site displays the biological richness and evolutionary history of the few remaining ...