
For World Heritage

Fund a project to support World Heritage

The Marketplace is a donor-meet-project platform where World Heritage donors will find a wide range of exciting and innovative World Heritage projects to fund.

By funding one or more projects on this platform, you are empowering individuals and communities worldwide who work tirelessly to ensure that the most unique and beautiful places on earth are cared and protected.

Projects in search
of funding

Projects in search
of funding
Development Projects

Youth &
Heritage Projects
Capacity building
in Danger
220,000 USD
Amount Requested

Capacity building · Conservation · Global

150,000 USD
Amount Requested

Capacity building · Conservation · Global

150,000 USD
Amount Requested

Capacity building · Conservation · Global

1,000,000 USD
Amount Requested

Central African Republic ·

500,000 USD
Amount Requested

Awareness-raising · Conservation · Global · Sensibilisation

100,000 USD
Amount Requested

Argentina · Capacity building · Conservation · Renforcement des capacités

150,000 USD
Amount Requested

Syrian Arab Republic · Capacity building · Conservation · Renforcement des capacités

400,000 USD
Amount Requested

Capacity building · Global · Knowledge Management

150,000 USD
Amount Requested

Capacity building · Global Strategy

70,000 USD
Amount Requested

Zimbabwe · Africa · Afrique · Capacity building · Conservation · Renforcement des capacités · Rock Art

100,000 USD
Amount Requested

Capacity building · Conservation

750,000 USD
Amount Requested

Capacity building · Conservation · Global · Religious

180,000 USD
Amount Requested

Conservation · Emergency · Global · Rapid Response Facilities

150,000 USD
Amount Requested

Egypt · Capacity building · Conservation · Renforcement des capacités

600,000 USD
Amount Requested

Nepal · Capacity building · Conservation

500,000 USD
Amount Requested

Capacity building · Renforcement des capacités · SIDS

60,000 USD
Amount Requested

Mauritania · Capacity building · Conservation · Renforcement des capacités

95,000 USD
Amount Requested

Bénévole · Education · Jeunes · Volunteer · Youth

Projects funded
through the Marketplace

Uplifting the perception of the List of World Heritage in Danger

Capacity building · Conservation · Global

Funded thanks to a contribution by:
Government of Norway

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Building the capacity of local communities and stakeholders for a dialogue towards sustainable livelihoods in tune with wildlife protection and ecosystem management in Ngorongoro Conservation Area (NCA)

United Republic of Tanzania ·

Funded thanks to a contribution by:
Government of Finland

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Developing an online tool for the World Heritage Policy Compendium

6. Capacity Development · Communication · Community · Global · Policy Compendium · Religious community

Funded thanks to a contribution by:
Government of the Republic of Korea

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Evaluation Mission of the Air and Ténéré Natural Reserves

Niger · Evaluation Mission

Funded thanks to a contribution by:
Government of Italy

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Improving the Effectiveness of the World Heritage Reactive Monitoring Process

Conservation · Global · Reactive Monitoring

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Management of World Heritage Sites in Armenia

Armenia · Capacity building · Conservation

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Strengthening World Heritage properties’ resilience to face climate change

Climate change · Global · Policy · Sustainable development

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Uplifting the perception of the List of World Heritage in Danger

Funded thanks to a contribution by:
Government of Norway

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Why fund World Heritage projects?

3 reasons why you should fund one or more World Heritage projects

We will promote
your visibility

Join a community of giving with a truly global reach. Funded projects together with the donor’s logo are promoted to the 40 million annual visitors to the UNESCO website and to a vast number of followers on various social media channels

You will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals

Support sustainable World Heritage projects and contribute to the achievement of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, a universal call to action to end poverty protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity

You will respond
to real and urgent needs

Enable the implementation of projects responding to real and urgent needs in the protection, conservation and management of World Heritage

Contact us

World Heritage Centre
UNESCO, Paris, France