Colombia’s Los Katíos National Park removed from List of Heritage in Danger

Los Katíos National Park © Archivo Parques Nacionales Colombia | Melissa Valenzuela
Tuesday, 30 June 2015 at 18:00
access_time 1 min read

Significant improvements in the management of Los Katíos National Park in Colombia have allowed for the site to be removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger. The World Heritage Committee decided to lift danger listing for the property in recognition of steps taken by the national authorities to reduce illegal extraction of timber and overfishing.

The site was placed on the List of World heritage in Danger in 2009 at the request of the Colombian government to handle threats to its protection, notably deforestation, unauthorized settlements, illegal fishing and hunting.

Extending over 72,000 hectares in north-western Colombia, Los Katíos National Park was inscribed in 1994. It comprises low hills, forests and humid plains. It has an exceptional level of biodiversity with several threatened animal species and numerous endemic plants.

The Committee praised the Colombian government’s efforts and said the site was a best practice example of how the List of World Heritage in Danger can serve to mobilize international cooperation to safeguard a World Heritage property.

The 39th session of the World Heritage Committee began on 28 June and will continue till 8 July under the chair of Maria Böhmer, Minister of State at the German Federal Foreign Office and member of the Bundestag.

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