«Church Georgiya so Vzvoza (Church of St. George by the road leading up the bank), 1494» View from the northwest

«Church Georgiya so Vzvoza (Church of St. George by the road leading up the bank), 1494» View from the northwest
Date :
mardi 1 août 2017
«Church Georgiya so Vzvoza (Church of St. George by the road leading up the bank), 1494» View from the northwest
Auteur :
A.G. Kalinenko
Copyright :
© State budgetary institution of culture “Research and Development Centre for Conservation and Use of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Pskov Region
Conditions d'utilisation :
Les ré-utilisateurs doivent créditer l'œuvre en citant le détenteur des droits lorsqu'ils la ré-utilisent.
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Dimension original :
2136x3216 pixels
18.08x27.23 cm
Source :
Nomination Text
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