Wooden Tserkvas of the Carpathian Region in Poland and Ukraine

Multiple Locations (16)
ID Name & Location State Party Coordinates Property Buffer Zone
1424-001 Brunary Wyżne-Tserkva of Saint Michael the Archangel Poland N49 32 2.00
E21 1 56.00
0.32 ha 3.36 ha
1424-002 Chotyniec-Tserkva of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary Poland N49 57 10.70
E23 0 10.00
0.67 ha 4.34 ha
1424-003 Drohobych-Tserkva of Saint George Ukraine N49 20 51.85
E23 29 58.00
0.18 ha 1.06 ha
1424-004 Kwiatoń-Tserkva of Saint Paraskeva Poland N49 30 4.80
E21 10 21.66
0.26 ha 1.82 ha
1424-005 Matkiv-Tserkva of the Synaxis of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukraine N48 54 55.70
E23 6 32.00
0.16 ha 1.16 ha
1424-006 Nyzhniy Verbizh-Tserkva of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukraine N48 29 55.16
E25 0 41.29
2.22 ha 31.11 ha
1424-007 Owczary-Tserkva of Our Lady’s Protection Poland N49 35 19.00
E21 11 28.00
0.38 ha 2.87 ha
1424-008 Potelych-Tserkva of the Descent of the Holy Spirit Ukraine N50 12 31.00
E23 33 3.00
0.19 ha 1.1 ha
1424-009 Powroźnik-Tserkva of Saint James the Less, the Apostle Poland N49 22 11.00
E20 57 1.51
0.71 ha 1.1 ha
1424-010 Radruż-Tserkva of Saint Paraskeva Poland N50 10 35.05
E23 24 3.84
0.3 ha 2.11 ha
1424-011 Rohatyn-Tserkva of the Descent of the Holy Spirit Ukraine N49 24 37.00
E24 36 10.49
0.49 ha 1.47 ha
1424-012 Smolnik-Tserkva of Saint Michael the Archangel Poland N49 12 34.70
E22 41 16.00
0.35 ha 34.85 ha
1424-013 Turzańsk-Tserkva of Saint Michael the Archangel Poland N49 22 9.10
E22 7 44.20
0.3 ha 3.02 ha
1424-014 Uzhok-Tserkva of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael Ukraine N48 59 2.44
E22 51 16.52
0.12 ha 1.81 ha
1424-015 Yasynia-Tserkva of Our Lord’s Ascension Ukraine N48 15 18.5
E24 20 40.5
0.13 ha 0.49 ha
1424-016 Zhovkva-Tserkva of the Holy Trinity Ukraine N50 3 19.22
E23 58 55.97
0.25 ha 1.06 ha

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The sole responsibility for the content of each Nomination file lies with the State Party concerned. The publication of the Nomination file, including the maps and names, does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the World Heritage Committee or of the Secretariat of UNESCO concerning the history or legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its boundaries.