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World Heritage Convention

Decision 34 COM 7A.5
Kahuzi-Biega National Park (Democratic Republic of the Congo) (N 137)

The World Heritage Committee,

1. Having examined Document WHC-10/34.COM/7A,

2. Recalls Decision 33 COM 7A.5, adopted at its 33rd session (Seville, 2009),

3. Congratulates the agents of the Congolese Institute for Nature Conservation (ICCN) for the efforts undertaken to safeguard Kahuzi-Biega National Park, often at great personal risk;

4. Notes with concern the fact that despite the efforts made by the Management Authority for the property, a large part of the property remains beyond control;

5. Regrets the lack of significant progress in the resolution of the illegal occupation of the corridor and the granting of mining concessions within the property;

6. Takes note of the conclusion of the mission, that the Outstanding Universal Value and especially the integrity of the property has been greatly degraded but that it was still present and could be restored;

7. Urges the State Party to implement the corrective measures as updated by the joint World Heritage Centre/IUCN reactive monitoring mission in 2009, to rehabilitate the Outstanding Universal Value of the property:

a) Evacuate the armed groups in the property and extend the area of surveillance to the whole property,

b) Close down all the illegal mining extraction operations in the property and officially cancel all the mining concessions encroaching on the property,

c) Evacuate the ecological corridor and initiate measures to restore plant species and connectivity,

d) Develop, in a participatory manner, and implement a zoning plan to resolve the issue of villages in the lowland sector, while maintaining the values and integrity of the property,

e) Continue the efforts to reactivate surveillance mechanisms, while ensuring control of the whole Park,

f) Complete and approve the management plan and ensure the means for its implementation;

8. Requests the establishment of an inventory of species retained as indicators for the Desired State of Conservation for removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger, to determine the current state of the biodiversity in the property and to establish the base line to enable monitoring of the restoration of these values;

9. Reiterates its request to the State Party to limit to only local traffic the section of the road that crosses through the Park, to realign the main road so as to circumvent the property and to provide the management authority with the necessary resources to control and manage the traffic effectively;

10. Also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, before 1st February 2011, a report on the state of conservation of the property, including an update on the state of mining concessions granted in the property, progress achieved in the resolution of illegal occupation of the corridor, as well as progress in the accomplishment of the corrective measures, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 35th session in 2011;

11. Decides to continue to apply the Reinforced Monitoring Mechanism to the property;

12. Also decides to maintain Kahuzi-Biega National Park (Democratic Republic of the Congo) on the List of World Heritage in Danger.

Decision Code
34 COM 7A.5
Conservation, List of World Heritage in Danger, Reinforced Monitoring
State of conservation reports
2010 Kahuzi-Biega National Park
Report of the Decisions Adopted By the world heritage committee At its 34th session (Brasilia, 2010)
Context of Decision