Latin America and the Caribbean region starts the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting Exercise

Friday, 1 October 2021
access_time 2 min read
(30/09/2021) © UNESCO | Vltn

The Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting (2018 – 2024), a global World Heritage conservation monitoring exercise carried out in six-year cycles, carries on this September with reporting in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. 

World Heritage site managers and national focal points of the 147 World Heritage properties (101 cultural, 38 natural and 8 mixed sites) in the Latin America and the Caribbean region will be the next ones to fill out the questionnaire for the Third Cycle of Periodic Reporting, after the Arab States, Africa and Asia-Pacific regions.

The purpose of the Periodic Reporting exercise is to give key stakeholders the opportunity to reflect on the implementation of the World Heritage Convention in the Latin America and the Caribbean region and to take stock of matters relating to the conservation, protection and management of World Heritage properties at the regional, national and the local level.

Reporting in the Latin America and the Caribbean region will last approximately 10 months and will run from September 2021 to the end of July 2022. During this time, participants will gather relevant information and complete and submit their questionnaires. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, training workshops foreseen will be help online or in hybrid mode.

Participants in this cycle of Periodic Reporting will benefit from the many new developments which have taken place since the last reporting cycle, including revised and updated questionnaires integrating the Sustainable Development approach and synergies with other conventions and a suite of training and guidance materials which have been developed specifically for the exercise.

The exercise also offers the opportunity for regional cooperation and exchange. Over the course of the reporting year, the Regional World Heritage Institute in Zacatecas as well as the Regional Heritage Management Training Centre “Lucio Costa” will be key partners for the Secretariat in the Periodic Reporting exercise in the Latin America and the Caribbean region, similar to the Category 2 Centre’s collaboration in the other regions of the world.

For more information on Periodic Reporting please visit:

Friday, 1 October 2021
access_time 2 min read
Decisions (1)
Code: 45COM 10B

The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined document WHC/23/45.COM/10B,
  2. Recalling Decisions 41 COM 10A, 42 COM 10A, 43 COM 10B and 44 COM 10D adopted at its 41st (Krakow, 2017), 42nd (Manama, 2018), 43rd (Baku, 2019) and extended 44th (Fuzhou/Online, 2021) sessions respectively,
  3. Commends the efforts of States Parties in the Latin America and the Caribbean region in the completion and submission of Section I, and the very high level of completion and submission of Section II of the Periodic Reporting questionnaire;
  4. Thanks the Regional World Heritage Institute in Zacatecas (Mexico) and the Regional Heritage Management Training Centre ‘Lucio Costa’ (Brazil), and Advisory Bodies in facilitating the Periodic Reporting exercise in the region;
  5. Welcomes with satisfaction the Third Cycle Regional Report in Latin America and the Caribbean and encourages the States Parties to widely disseminate it among all relevant stakeholders in the region;
  6. Takes note of the planned publication of the Third Cycle Periodic Report in the Latin America and the Caribbean region in the World Heritage paper series, subject to the availability of funding resources, and invites States Parties to contribute financially for this purpose;
  7. Also commends the joint efforts made by the national Focal Points and World Heritage site managers, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies in producing an Action Plan framework in an adaptable format, in order to facilitate its appropriation and implementation by the States Parties;
  8. Endorses the Third Cycle Regional Framework Action Plan developed in cooperation with all States Parties and other heritage stakeholders in the region and notes with satisfaction that the priorities align with those set out in the Declaration unanimously adopted at the UNESCO World Conference on Cultural Policies and Sustainable Development – MONDIACULT 2022 (Mexico City, 2022) and the reflections undertaken at the international conference ‘The Next 50 - The Future of World Heritage in Challenging Times, Enhancing Resilience and Sustainability’ (Delphi, 2022);
  9. Encourages States Parties to appropriate the Third Cycle Regional Framework Action Plan into their national and sub-regional heritage strategies and policies, and requests the World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies, the Category 2 Centres, and other partners, to support States Parties in its implementation;
  10. Also requests the UNESCO World Heritage Centre to monitor the implementation of the Framework Regional Action Plan in view of preparing a mid-cycle assessment report to be presented to World Heritage Committee after three years.

Read more about the decision