World Wetlands Day 2024: Wetlands and Human Wellbeing

Friday, 2 February 2024 at 16:20
access_time 1 min read
iSimangaliso Wetland Park (South Africa) © Christophe Salles Papou

Celebrated annually on 2 February, World Wetlands Day aims to raise global awareness about the vital role of wetlands for people and the planet. In every corner of the world, human beings have depended on wetlands for centuries, drawing sustenance, inspiration and resilience from these important environments. This year’s theme: ‘Wetlands and Human Wellbeing' highlights the linkages between people, culture and nature.

We need healthy wetlands for our planet, and for our wellbeing. Wetlands are currently protected under different designations, including the UNESCO Man and Biosphere Programme and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Currently almost 100 UNESCO World Heritage wetlands are overlapping wholly or partially with over 140 Ramsar Sites. The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands and the World Heritage Convention safeguard wetland sites covering an area larger than Mexico (245 614 112 ha).

Despite this protection by these global international treaties – wetlands are still an often overlooked asset of our natural environment. The continuous monitoring and preservation of World Heritage wetlands is a monumental task, and it is impossible for UNESCO and the States Parties to do it alone. We are very grateful to combine our efforts with the devotion and expertise of Ramsar and the many other people and organizations we work with, worldwide.

Learn more about our work to protect UNESCO World Heritage wetlands in this World Heritage magazine issue on Wetlands: 

Friday, 2 February 2024 at 16:20
access_time 1 min read
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