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The Cultural Heritage Administration of the Republic of Korea supported the preservation of the Complex of Koguryo Tombs in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea since 2000. Intended to strengthen its cooperation with UNESCO, the Cultural Heritage Administration made funds available to UNESCO for the implementation of mutually determined programmes and projects for the protection of World Heritage properties in the Asia and the Pacific Region.

A “Framework Agreement” was signed in 2011 between UNESCO and the Government of the Republic of Korea. This Agreement outlines the general scope and objectives of the intended cooperation. It is envisaged that the Republic of Korea would deposit each year the amounts agreed upon (i.e. US$400,000 annually).

Within the framework of the 5Cs strategic objectives (credibility, conservation, capacity-building, communication and awareness-raising and community) established by the World Heritage Committee and in line with the Framework Agreement signed in June 2011, the World Heritage Centre consulted with the Cultural Heritage Administration of Korea and identified prioritized activities.

The objective of the Agreement is to support the World Heritage Centre’s efforts in strengthening the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, primarily in the Asia and the Pacific Region, to address the key priorities adopted by the World Heritage Committee and the General Assembly of States Parties.

The projects are to focus on the four main components indicated in the Framework Agreement:

  • Conservation project for the Koguryo Tombs in the DPR of Korea;
  • Preparatory assistance to Asia-Pacific countries for potential World Heritage nominations in the upstream process;
  • Sustainably protecting and enhancing cultural heritage with the involvement of communities;
  • Capacity-building in accordance with priority activities identified in the Regional Action Plan of the second cycle of Periodic Reporting.
In parallel, the Government of the Republic of Korea supported other World Heritage activities in Asia via its National Commission.
News 16
Events 18
Government Public
Republic of Korea