Luther Memorials in Eisleben and Wittenberg

Luther Memorials in Eisleben and Wittenberg

These places in Saxony-Anhalt are all associated with the lives of Martin Luther and his fellow-reformer Melanchthon. They include Melanchthon's house in Wittenberg, the houses in Eisleben where Luther was born in 1483 and died in 1546, his room in Wittenberg, the local church and the castle church where, on 31 October 1517, Luther posted his famous '95 Theses', which launched the Reformation and a new era in the religious and political history of the Western world.

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Monuments commémoratifs de Luther à Eisleben et Wittenberg

Cet ensemble regroupe, en Saxe-Anhalt, les lieux liés à la vie de Martin Luther et à celle de son collaborateur Melanchthon : la maison de Melanchthon à Wittenberg ; celle où Luther est né en 1483 et celle où il est mort en 1546, toutes deux à Eisleben ; la chambre de Luther à Wittenberg ; l'église de cette même ville et l'église du château où, le 31 octobre 1517, il afficha ses fameuses Quatre-vingt-quinze thèses , inaugurant ainsi, avec la Réforme, une nouvelle ère dans l'histoire religieuse et politique du monde.

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النصب التذكارية للوثر في إيسليبن وفيتنبرغ

تجمع هذه المجموعة الواقعة في "ساكس- أنهالت" أماكن لها صلة بحياة مارتن لوثر وحياة معاونه ميلانشثون: بيت ميلانشثون في فيتنبرغ، والبيت الذي ولد فيه لوثر في العام 1483، والبيت الذي توفي فيه العام 1546-وكلاهما في إيسليبن-. كما وفيها غرفة لوثر في ويتنبرغ، وكنيسة البلدة نفسها، وكنيسة القصر حيث أعلن في 31 تشرين الأول/ أكتوبر من العام 1517 طروحاته الخمس والتسعين الشهيرة، مفتتحاً بذلك، مع ما عرف يومها بالإصلاح، حقبة جديدة في تاريخ الدين والسياسة في العالم.

source: UNESCO/CPE
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萨克森-安哈尔特(Saxony-Anhalt)的这些纪念馆与马丁·路德(Martin Luther)及其信徒米郎克孙(Melanchthon)的生活经历相关。纪念馆包括米郎克孙在维腾贝格(Wittenberg)的住所、马丁·路德于1483年和1546年在埃斯莱本(Eisleben)出生和去世时的住所、马丁路德在维腾贝格的住所、当地教堂以及路德于1517年10月31日提出著名的“95条论纲”时的城堡教堂。正是他的论纲发起了宗教改革,开启了西方世界宗教史和政治史的新时代。

source: UNESCO/CPE
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Памятные места Лютера в городах Айслебен и Виттенберг

Эти места в земле Саксония-Ангальт связаны с жизнью Мартина Лютера и его последователя – реформатора Меланхтона. Они включают дом Меланхтона в Виттенберге, дома в Айслебене, где Лютер родился в 1483 г. и умер в 1546 г., его комнату в Виттенберге, приходскую церковь и церковь в замке, где 31 октября 1517 г. Лютер вывесил свои знаменитые «95 Тезисов», давшие начало Реформации и новой эре в религиозной и политической истории Западного мира.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Monumentos conmemorativos de Lutero en Eisleben y Wittenberg

Este sitio comprende los lugares de Sajonia-Anhalt vinculados a la vida de Martín Lutero y su colaborador Melanchthon: la casa de Melanchthon en Wittenberg; las casas donde Lutero nació (1483) y murió (1546) en Eisleben; la habitación de Lutero en Wittenberg; la iglesia parroquial y la iglesia del castillo de esta misma localidad, en cuya puerta clavó –el 31 de octubre de 1517– sus famosas Noventa y cinco tesis, poniendo así en marcha la Reforma y abriendo una nueva era en la historia religiosa y política del mundo.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: NFUAJ

Luthergedenkplaatsen in Eisleben en Wittenberg

De plaatsen Eisleben en Wittenberg in Saksen-Anhalt zijn verbonden met het leven van Maarten Luther en zijn collega-hervormer Melanchthon. In Eisleben staan de huizen waar Luther in 1483 werd geboren en in 1546 overleed. In Wittenberg staat het Lutherhuis - waar hij 40 jaar woonde en werkte - en het nauwelijks veranderde huis van Melanchthon. Verder vindt men er de stadskerk en de slotkapel waar Luther op 31 oktober 1517 zijn beroemde 95 stellingen op de deur sloeg. Dit gaf de aanzet tot de Reformatie en was het begin van een nieuw tijdperk in de religieuze en politieke geschiedenis van de westerse wereld.


Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

The Luther Memorials in Eisleben and Wittenberg, located in the State of Saxony-Anhalt in the centre of Germany, are associated with the lives of Martin Luther and his fellow-reformer Philipp Melanchthon. They include Melanchthon's house in Wittenberg, the houses in Eisleben where Luther was born (1483) and died (1546), his room in Wittenberg, the local church, and the castle church where, Luther posted his famous '95 Theses' on 31 October 1517, launching the Reformation and a new era in the religious and political history of the Western world.

As authentic settings of decisive events in the Reformation and the life of Martin Luther, the memorials in Eisleben and Wittenberg have an outstanding significance for the political, cultural, and spiritual life of the Western world that extends far beyond German borders.

Criterion (iv): The Luther Memorials in Wittenberg and Eisleben are artistic monuments of high quality, with their furnishings conveying a vivid picture of a historic era of world and ecclesiastical importance.

Criterion (vi): The Luther Memorials in Wittenberg and Eisleben are of Outstanding Universal Value bearing unique testimony to the Protestant Reformation, one of the most significant events in the religious and political history of the world, and constitute exceptional examples of 19th-century historicism.


The Luther Memorials in Wittenberg and Eisleben include all elements necessary to express the Outstanding Universal Value of a faith movement of world importance. The component parts of the serial property are of adequate size to ensure the features and processes of this historic period convey the significance of the property.


The close association of these inscribed buildings with the Lutheran Church and their role as memorials to the Reformation has meant that they have been the object of a variety of restoration and reconstruction projects over more than four centuries. Some of these have resulted in the embellishment of the buildings for the greater glory of the Reformation and its figures, while other projects consciously sought to return the buildings to the state they were in when the great Reformers were alive. ln terms of strict modern conservation practices, some of the past interventions may be considered to have had an adverse effect on the historical authenticity of the buildings. However, it might also be argued that those activities carried out in the 19th and early 20th centuries have a historical value of their own, and the spiritual meaning of this group of buildings must be taken into account. While most of the past interventions would not be practiced today, these actions were carried out for religious motivations rather than the buildings’ historical preservation. However, it is now certain that recent interventions have been – and those in the future shall be – conducted entirely in accordance with the accepted principles and methods of modern conservation.

Protection and management requirements

All the buildings included in this serial property are protected as single monuments under the legislation of State of Saxony-Anhalt, which requires that any work that may affect their status or condition be authorised by the competent provincial authority. Both Eisleben and Wittenberg have management systems and town centre plans that make special provision for the protection of the Luther Memorials and their buffer zones.

The two houses in Eisleben are owned by the Municipality and are in use as museums. Luther Hall and Melanchthon’s House in Wittenberg are owned by State of Saxony-Anhalt and managed by the Municipality of Wittenberg as museums. The Town Church in Wittenberg is owned and managed by the Evangelical town church parish, which uses it for religious services. The Castle Church is owned by the Evangelical church of the union in Berlin and used by the Evangelical seminary of Wittenberg and the Evangelical castle church parish.