Churches of the Pskov School of Architecture

Multiple Locations (10)
ID Name & Location State Party Coordinates Property Buffer Zone
1523-001 The Cathedral of Ioann Predtecha (John the Precursor) of the Ivanovsky Monastery, 1240 Russian Federation N57 49 33.3
E28 19 4.8
0.73 ha 387 ha
1523-002 Ensemble of the Spaso-Mirozhsky Monastery: the Transfiguration Cathedral, 12th century Russian Federation N57 48 23.6
E28 19 43.2
14.4 ha
1523-003 Church of the Archangel Michael with a bell tower, 14th century Russian Federation N57 49 5.69
E28 20 2.18
0.55 ha
1523-004 Church of Pokrova (Intercession) ot Proloma (at the breach in the wall), 15th-16th century Russian Federation N57 48 19.28
E28 20 2.58
0.14 ha
1523-005 Church of Koz’ma and Damian s Primostya (near the bridge) remains of the belfry, gate, fence of the 15th-17th century Russian Federation N57 49 23.69
E28 20 1.48
0.14 ha
1523-006 Church Georgiya so Vzvoza (St. George near the river descent), 1494 Russian Federation N57 48 35.97
E28 19 56.88
0.22 ha
1523-007 Church of Theophany with a belfry, 1489 Russian Federation N57 49 22.38
E28 20 19.46
0.24 ha
1523-008 Church Nikoly so Usokhi (St. Nicholas from the dry place), 16th century Russian Federation N57 48 55.91
E28 20 3.58
0.25 ha
1523-009 Church Vasiliya na gorke (St. Basil the Great on the hill), 15th century Russian Federation N57 48 55.1
E28 20 8.88
0.2 ha
1523-010 Ensemble of the Snetogorsky Monastery: The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, 16th century Russian Federation N57 50 6.28
E28 15 47.18
2.45 ha 248.6 ha

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The sole responsibility for the content of each Nomination file lies with the State Party concerned. The publication of the Nomination file, including the maps and names, does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the World Heritage Committee or of the Secretariat of UNESCO concerning the history or legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its boundaries.