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World Heritage Convention

Decision 43 COM 7A.54
Timbuktu (Mali) (C 119rev)

The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/19/43.COM/7A,
  2. Recalling Decision 42 COM 7A.29, adopted at its 42nd session (Manama, 2018),
  3. Notes with satisfaction the continued progress accomplished by the State Party in the rehabilitation, conservation and management of the property and in the implementation of the corrective measures adopted by the Committee (Decision 40 COM 7A.6);
  4. Commends the support of the principal partners, notably the European Union (EU) and the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), in the implementation of Phase II of the Action Plan for the rehabilitation of cultural heritage and the safeguarding of the ancient manuscripts of Mali, enabling the intervention, among others, of the Al Farouk monument, the Sidi Yahia and Sankoré Mosques, the cemeteries containing mausoleums of the saints, the local museums and the safeguarding of the ancient manuscripts;
  5. Notes with satisfaction the organization of consultation and awareness-raising meetings with the town authorities, district chiefs, Prefect and the Governor of the region and civil society, but expresses its concern as regards the lack of synergy of action of all the concerned and necessary actors;
  6. Is concerned about the lack of sufficient staff, operating budget and office equipment of the Cultural Mission that curbs the efficient management of the property, in particular the implementation of the 2018-2022 Management and Conservation Plan, and reiterates its encouragements to the State Party to increase financial, logistical and human resources of the Cultural Mission, to enable the strengthening of awareness-raising and consultation actions to revitalize interest, interaction and coordination of the actors at all institutional levels;
  7. Is concerned by the state of conservation of some components of the property, such as the Djingareyber Mosque and the mausoleums which have not benefited from conservation work due to heavy rains during the winter, as well as vibrations caused by the passage of heavy military vehicles, particularly threatening the Djingareyber Mosque, and reiterates its request to the State Party to study, in consultation with the MINUSMA, options to redirect traffic in the vicinity of the buildings concerned to mitigate these effects;
  8. Urges the State Party to undertake adequate measures, in close cooperation with all the municipal and regional authorities, to prevent the illegal installation of containers or sheet metal constructions, and to combat the pollution by rubbish of the ancient fabric of the town and the cemeteries, constituting a possible negative visual and environmental impact and thus threatening the property and preventing access to the mosques and mausoleums in the event of an emergency;
  9. In respect of the necessary conservation, awareness-raising and enhancement actions, renews its appeal to the whole international community to support the efforts of the State Party and contribute to the implementation of Phase II of the Action Plan for the rehabilitation of the cultural heritage and the safeguarding of the ancient manuscripts;
  10. Requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2020, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property and the implementation of the above, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 44th session in 2020;
  11. Decides to pursue the application of the Reinforced Monitoring Mechanism for the property;
  12. Also decides to retain Timbuktu (Mali) on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
Decision Code
43 COM 7A.54
States Parties 1
Properties 1
State of conservation reports
2019 Timbuktu
Decisions adopted during the 43rd session of the World Heritage Committee (Baku, 2019)
Context of Decision