52. His Excellency, Mr. Camille Aboussouan, the Ambassador at Unesco of Lebanon informed the Committee that his country will ratify the World Heritage Convention in the near future. He addressed the attention of the Committee to the need to protect the archaeological and cultural sites and monuments of the city of Tyr in conformity with the stipulations of the Hague Convention and referred in this respect to resolution S/RES/459 (1979) of the United Nations Security Council.
53. The Committee examined a proposed design for World Heritage Certificates and authorized the Chairman to approve a final design according to his judgment.
54. The representative of Australia, stated that his government was looking into the possibility of hosting the fifth session of the World Heritage Committee in Australia during the second half of 1981. He hoped to be in the position to provide firm advice on this matter in the near future. The Committee thanked the Delegate of Australia for this generous offer.