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Décision 7 COM V.9-12
Rapport du représentant du Directeur-general

[Uniquement en anglais]

9. Mr. Batisse, Assistant Director General (Science Sector) presented the report of the Secretariat and drew attention to the report of the seventh session of the Bureau held on 27-30 June 1983. He noted that since that date, the 4th General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention had taken place on 28 October 1983 during the 22nd session of the Unesco General Conference. As stipulated by the Convention, the mandate of 7 countries expired and the following countries were elected: Algeria, Australia (re-election), Lebanon, Malawi, Norway, Sri Lanka, and Turkey. He indicated that 64 countries were present to elect these new Committee members, which is indicative of a growing interest in the Convention and its work. This interest was also manifested at the General Conference itself. However, although the number of States adhering to the Convention - 78 as of the end of November 1983 - continues to grow, this was, unfortunately, not the case for the financial contributions. Although 18 countries had paid their obligatory contributions since 1 August 1983, there were still delays in the payments of voluntary contributions, some of which represent considerable amounts.

10. He indicated that in view of this financial situation, more effort had been made to launch promotional activities which, at little or no cost to Unesco, could generate income for the World Heritage Fund. One example was the series of books entitled "El Patrimonio de la Humanidad" which is being produced by the Spanish Institute for Wildlife Photography (INCAFO). The first volume of this series, richly illustrated and prefaced by the Director General of Unesco, had already been published.

11. Mr. Batisse then described briefly the many activities supported by the World Heritage Fund undertaken since the previous session as indicated in document SC/83/CONF.009/INF.4. He added, however, that these numerous activities are handled by a Secretariat which must also work on other programmes, such as international campaigns for the cultural heritage and the Man and Biosphere Programme (MAB). The Secretariat also has endeavoured to improve the balance between culture and nature within the Convention and in this connection, it was noted that tentative lists for natural sites had now been received from several countries.

12. Mr. Batisse expressed his appreciation to ICOMOS and IUCN for their contribution towards the implementation of the Convention.

Code de la Décision
7 COM V.9-12
Inscriptions sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial
Rapport du rapporteur