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World Heritage Convention

Decision 33 COM 10C
Thematic Studies

The World Heritage Committee,

1. Having examined Document WHC-09/33.COM/10C,

2. Recalling Decision 32 COM 10A adopted at its 32nd session (Quebec City, 2008),

3. Having reviewed the application of the thematic studies and their contribution to the global strategy based on the underrepresented categories developed by the advisory bodies,

4. Requests the Advisory Bodies, in cooperation with the World Heritage Centre, to incorporate into Annex III of the Operational Guidelines references to the thematic studies included in document WHC-09/33.COM/10C;

5. Welcomes the proposed thematic studies programmes of the Advisory Bodies;

6. Also welcomes the proposal for a new IUCN thematic study on marine World Heritage in the 'Draft Bahrain Action Plan for Marine World Heritage' and commends the State Party of Bahrain, IUCN and the World Heritage Centre for their efforts in developing the Draft Action Plan; and recognizes the contributions from partners and donors including the State Party of Belgium;

7. Notes the intention of IUCN to present the completed thematic study on marine World Heritage to the 35th session of the Committee in 2011; invites States Parties to the Convention to provide comments to IUCN on the 'Draft Bahrain Action Plan for Marine World Heritage' by 1 December 2009, and also notes that this thematic study should strengthen the contribution of the World Heritage Convention towards the commitments arising from the Convention on Biological Diversity and the World Summit on Sustainable Development for increasing the global extent of marine protected areas;

8. Further notes that this thematic study will help to reinforce the protected marine areas which are currently on the Tentative List of the States Parties;

9. Invites States Parties to the Convention to consider providing extra-budgetary assistance to support the thematic studies programmes of the Advisory Bodies as identified above and by the Committee at previous sessions, and to also identify opportunities to support translation of completed studies;

10. Requests the World Heritage Centre with the Advisory Bodies to present a report on the thematic studies and their continuing prioritization at the 35th session of the Committee in 2011.

Decision Code
33 COM 10C
Credibility of the World Heritage List, Operational Guidelines, Working methods and tools
Final Decisions of the 33rd Session of the World Heritage Committee (Seville, 2009)
Context of Decision