
Lumbini, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha

Factors affecting the property in 2002*
  • Management activities
  • Management systems/ management plan
  • Ritual / spiritual / religious and associative uses
  • Water (rain/water table)
  • Other Threats:

    Extremely harsh natural environment; Improve the drainage for the Temple

Factors* affecting the property identified in previous reports
  • Construction of concrete foundations at the Maya Devi Temple site in December 1998
  • Need for a site conservation plan
  • Extremely harsh natural environment
  • Need for a sustainable drainage mechanism to prevent further degradation of the archaeological deposits
  • Usage of the pilgrimage property
International Assistance: requests for the property until 2002
Requests approved: 2 (from 2000-2001)
Total amount approved : 40,000 USD
Information presented to the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee in 2002

Previous deliberations:
25th session of the Committee (Chapter VIII.151).
25th extraordinary session of the Bureau (Chapter III.265)

Main issues:

  • Conservation for the Maya Devi Temple exposed to harsh natural elements since the large-scale excavation in 1996.
  • Establishment of a sustainable drainage mechanism to prevent further degradation of the archaeological deposits.
  • Identification of heritage assets within the core and buffer zones.
  • Elaboration of a garden landscape conservation scheme.

New Information:

Although the state of conservation of this property has been regularly examined by the Bureau since 1999, the situation still calls for serious remedial measures based upon careful assessment and analysis of the heritage assets and usage of the pilgrimage property. Appropriate follow-up actions are necessary based upon the recommendations adopted by the Nepalese authorities following the International Technical Meeting (April 2001) and four international expert missions organized at the request of the Government, to ensure that conservation, management and presentation activities on-site.

Following the discussions of the 25th extraordinary session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee during which time possibilities to inscribe the site on the List of World Heritage in Danger was raised, the World Heritage Centre, the UNESCO Kathmandu Office and the authorities concerned continued consultations to mobilize international support to enhance the conservation and management of the site. The authorities submitted an international assistance request to complete the outer drainage system of the buffer zone of the Sacred Garden. At the time of the preparation of this working document, the World Heritage Centre was processing this request.

The activity financed by the World Heritage Fund, conducted by the authorities and the University of Bradford (U.K.) to compile basic information to assess pilgrimage activities, environmental factors and to identify high or low-importance archaeological areas through non-destructive geophysical survey, was completed in January 2002. The report of this activity is expected to be finalized and submitted to the World Heritage Centre and the authorities shortly. However, in February 2002, the UNESCO Kathmandu Office informed the World Heritage Centre that new plans to construct the “Golden Pavilion” shelter and a drainage system of the Maya Devi Temple had been announced by the Government, in spite of the fact that the report of the survey and base-line information analysis had not yet been completed. Following this new information, the World Heritage Centre requested clarification from the national authorities.

Action Required

The Bureau may wish to examine further information that will be made available at the time of its session and take the appropriate decision thereupon.

Conservation issues presented to the World Heritage Committee in 2002

Although the state of conservation of this property has been regularly examined by the Bureau and Committee since 1999, the situation still calls for serious remedial measures based upon careful assessment and analysis of the heritage assets and usage of the pilgrimage property. Appropriate follow-up actions are necessary based upon the recommendations adopted by the Nepalese authorities following the International Technical Meeting (April 2001) and four international expert missions organized at the request of the Government, to ensure adequate conservation, management and presentation activities on-site. 

At the time of preparation of this working document, the World Heritage Centre was organizing a mission to be undertaken by a conservation and site management expert and a brick conservation expert, both of whom had undertaken successful missions in close co-operation with the Nepalese authorities for examining options for enhanced conservation and presentation of the property. This mission is expected to take place between 24 June - 2 July 2002.

In the meantime, ICOMOS and ICCROM and other international experts who have previously participated in international technical meetings concerning the rehabilitation of the Maya Devi Temple, informed the Centre that the new "Maya Devi Temple Rehabilitation Plan" submitted by the authorities met some recommendations made previously, pending the results of the activity undertaken by the Nepalese authorities and the University of Bradford (U.K.) to compile basic information to assess pilgrimage activities, environmental factors and to identify high or low-importance archaeological areas through non-destructive geophysical survey.  One of the objectives of the forthcoming mission is to examine on-site with the authorities, this new "Maya Devi Temple Rehabilitation Plan" together with the final report of the environmental and geophysical survey results.  The mission will also examine ways of reformulating the technical co-operation request to meet the urgent conservation and management needs of the site. 

Decisions adopted by the Committee in 2002
26 COM 21B.62
Lumbini, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha (Nepal)
The World Heritage Committee,

1. Having examined the report on the state of conservation of the property and new information provided by the Centre, the State Party and ICOMOS;

2. Recognizes the need for presenting this pilgrimage centre in an appropriate manner;

3. Expresses grave concern over the intrusive and heavy construction of the new Maya Devi Temple recently built over the archaeological remains within the core zone of Lumbini in spite of the existence of archaeological deposits in the immediate vicinity of the already exposed archaeological remains of the Maya Devi Temple;

4. Considering that a UNESCO reactive monitoring mission, originally organized to assist the authorities in finalizing the design of the Maya Devi Temple shelter, was undertaken between 25 June - 2 July 2002;

5. Decides to examine further information and recommendations of this mission at its 27th session;

6. Requests the State Party in the interim period to provide information concerning the existing conservation codes applicable to this property and management mechanisms that ensure the protection of the World Heritage values of the property;

7. Requests that a report on the state of conservation of the property be submitted by 1 February 2003 for examination at its 27th session in June/July 2003.
26 BUR XII.94-97
Lumbini, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha (Nepal)

XII.94    The Bureau examined the report on the state of conservation of this World Heritage property presented in document WHC-02/CONF.201/11Rev and updated information on the on-going consultations between the Nepalese authorities, the World Heritage Centre, the Advisory Bodies and UNESCO international experts concerning the plans for the conservation of the Maya Devi Temple. 

XII.95    The Observer of Nepal informed the Bureau that his Government was considering all recommendations of the Committee, its Bureau, its Advisory Bodies and the UNESCO international experts in elaborating its revised proposals for the conservation and presentation of the Maya Devi Temple.  He assured the Bureau of his Government’s commitment to follow international conservation norms and the recommendation of the World Heritage Committee to ensure appropriate conservation, management, and presentation of this fragile archaeological site that is simultaneously a centre of international pilgrimage.

XII.96    The Bureau, noting that the state of conservation of this property still calls for serious remedial measures based upon careful assessment and analysis of the heritage assets and usage of the pilgrimage property, expressed its appreciation to the Government of Nepal for its willingness to fully co-operate with the Committee, its Advisory Bodies and UNESCO in ensuring the highest level of conservation and presentation of this unique property.  

XII.97    In light of the information provided by the Nepalese authorities and the World Heritage Centre concerning the on-going and continuing consultations, the Bureau recommended that the Committee examine further information at its 26th session. 

26 BUR XVI.1
Requests for International Assistance

XIV.1 The Bureau approved the following requests for international assistance:

Preparatory Assistance

Cultural - Asia - Pakistan

Preparatory assistance for the nomination of the archaeological remains at Ranigat as an extension of Taxila World Heritage site

The Bureau approved US$ 30,000, subject to the State Party paying its dues to the World Heritage Fund.

Technical Co-operation

Natural - Africa - Senegal

Derby Eland Monitoring Programme

The Bureau approved US$ 29,296 for this request, subject to the State Party paying its dues to the World Heritage Fund.

Preparatory Assistance

Natural - Arab States - Egypt

Meeting to prepare Tentative Lists for Natural Heritage in the Arab Region.

The Bureau approved this request for US$ 29,500.


Cultural - Europe - Norway

International Course on Wood Conservation Technology

The Bureau approved this request for US$ 30,000, requesting the State Party to take into consideration the comments of ICCROM.


Mixed - Latin America - Argentina

Sub-regional training workshop on Management and Administration of World Heritage properties.

The Bureau approved this request for US$ 22,350 requesting the World Heritage Centre to co-ordinate the implementation of the activity in close collaboration with the State Party as well as with the Advisory Bodies to ensure that the meeting is carried out with sub-regional participation.


Cultural - Latin America & Caribbean - Dominican Republic

Annual Seminary Workshop on Cultural Heritage Risk Prevention for the Caribbean and Central America

The Bureau approved this request for US$ 30,000, pending clarification by the State Party concerning the questions raised by ICCROM.


Cultural - Asia - Nepal

Emergency Technical-Co-operation for safeguarding measures at Lumbini, Birthplace of the Lord Buddha World Heritage site

The Bureau recommended reformulation of the request for re-examination by the Committee at its 26th session.


Cultural - Latin America & Caribbean - Brazil

Emergency Assistance for the Historic Centre of the City of Goiás (Rain and Overflows)

The Bureau approved US$ 7,288 as additional emergency assistance for this request.


Cultural - Latin America & Caribbean - Cuba

Emergency Assistance for the Convent of Santa Clara of Asissi, Old Havana and its Fortifications.

The Bureau approved US$ 75,000 for this activity.

Technical Co-operation

Cultural - Arab States - Algeria

Elaboration of a Preliminary Plan of Conservation and Development of the M’ Zab Valley.

The Bureau recommended approval of US$ 35,000 by the Committee, requesting the World Heritage Centre to coordinate the implementation of the activity in close collaboration with the national authorities concerned.


Cultural - Asia - Turkmenistan

Reinforcement of the capacities of the Department for Protection and Restoration of Monuments, Turkmenistan, to conserve the World Heritage site of Ancient Merv.

The Bureau approved an initial US$ 30,000 for commencing the activity, and recommended that the remaining US$ 38,814 be approved by the World Heritage Committee in June 2002.


Cultural - Asia - Uzbekistan

Restoration of the medersa “Rachid” at Bukhara World Heritage site ICOMOS

The Bureau recommended reformulation by the State Party and re-examination of the request by the Committee at its 26th session.

The Committee may wish to examine further information that will be made available at the time of its session and take the appropriate decision thereupon.

Report year: 2002
Date of Inscription: 1997
Category: Cultural
Criteria: (iii)(vi)

* : The threats indicated are listed in alphabetical order; their order does not constitute a classification according to the importance of their impact on the property.
Furthermore, they are presented irrespective of the type of threat faced by the property, i.e. with specific and proven imminent danger (“ascertained danger”) or with threats which could have deleterious effects on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (“potential danger”).

** : All mission reports are not always available electronically.