
Complex of Hué Monuments

Viet Nam
Factors affecting the property in 1994*
  • Invasive/alien terrestrial species
  • Other Threats:


International Assistance: requests for the property until 1994
Requests approved: 2 (from 1994-1994)
Total amount approved : 128,000 USD
Missions to the property until 1994**
Conservation issues presented to the World Heritage Committee in 1994

On 1 August 1994 a fire broke out due to a bonfire of dead branches set alight by the guards of the mausoleum of the Emperor Minh Mang, situated approximately ten kilometres from the Forbidden City, on the left side of the "Perfume River".

This monument is one of the imperial tombs belonging to the complex inscribed on the World Heritage List by the Committee in 1993.

According to information available in September, it appears that the fire only destroyed the vegetation covering the large tumulus, in the centre of which the actual tomb is buried, and did not attain the wooden buildings and the gardens of the mausoleum, situated some ten meters away, on the other side of the small artificial lake.

A UNESCO mission will visit the site at the end of October with the aim of preparing a technological partnership agreement with a major international agrochemical company regarding an anti-termite campaign for the wooden structures of the World Heritage site. An oral report will be made during the eighteenth session of the World Heritage Committee.

Analysis and Conclusion by World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies in 1994

The Committee is requested to examine the report of the UNESCO mission and to consider the necessary actions.

Decisions adopted by the Committee in 1994
SOC: The Complex of Hue Monuments (Vietnam)

The Complex of Hue Monuments (Vietnam)

The Observer of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam informed the committee of the various measures undertaken in order to conserve and enhance the site since its inscription on the World Heritage List in 1993, and expressed the gratitude of the Government of Vietnam to UNESCO for its constant assistance.

He assured the Committee of the vigilance of the national and local authorities of Vietnam for the preservation of the integrity of the site and gave detailed assurance that no new road would be constructed in the vicinity of the site along the River of Perfumes.

18 EXT.BUR V.B.1.2
Examination of requests for International Assistance - Cultural Heritage - Requests on which the Bureau took a decision - Training

The Bureau at its 18th session in December 1994 examined 11 requests for training activities related to cultural properties of which 5 were submitted by ICCROM and 6 by State Parties to the total amount exceeding US$ one million. In view of budgetary constraints under the indicative allocation for training, the Bureau decided to give priority to requests submitted by developing countries for activities benefiting site managers of World Heritage cultural properties. The emphasis would be on courses held in situ which take into account local training needs rather than "regular contributions to annual courses" organised at the headquarters of training institutes. This criteria was therefore used to evaluate all training requests.

Requests approved by the Bureau

1. Sub-Regional Conservation Workshop on Western European Medieval Wall Paintings, 1 July-10 September 1995, Sighisoara, Romania - US$28,000

2. Scientific Principles of Conservation Regional Course for Latin America, June-July 1995, Belo Horizonte, Brazil - US$30,000

3. Training of Technical Personnel, Cap Vert - US$25,000

4. Training for the Region of Latin America in Conservation of the Adobe World Heritage, October 1995, Chan Chan, Peru - US$20,000

Requests not approved by the Bureau

1. International Course on the Technology of Stone Conservation, ICCROM, 30 March-14 June 1995, Venice, Italy

Despite recognition of the importance of this course and the support given to it in previous years, the Bureau did not approve this US$51,000 request from ICCROM due to other funding priorities and in view of the fact that other funding sources were available for the organization of this regular course.

2. International Architectural Conservation Course ARC 95, ICCROM, 18 January-26 May 1995, Rome, Itlay

In view of the availability of other funding sources for this regular course, the Bureau did not approve this request for US$25,000.

3. Training Programme in the Conservation of Architecture, Painting, Wood, Stone and Antique Objects for the Preservation of the Hue World Heritage Site (1995, dates not specified), Vietnam

This request for US$40,790 was not approved in view of the approval under Technical Cooperation of US$108,000 for the purchase of conservation laboratory equipment and related training in Hue which was deemed to be of higher priority.

4. Regional Training Courses in Architectural and Urban Heritage Conservation, 05 September 1994 to 30 June 1995, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.

This request for US$19,030 was not approved at this time due to budgetary constraints and other requests of higher priority.

18 EXT.BUR V.B.2.1
Examination of requests for International Assistance - Cultural Heritage - Requests for which the Bureau formulated a recommendation to the Committee - Technical cooperation

1. Old City of Dubrovnik (Croatia) - US$50,000

The Bureau recommended the approval of the full requested amount of US50,000 for, inter alia, the purchase of equipment for the documentation centre; expertise for the development of a tourism development plan; promotional and educational material and activities on World Heritage in Dubrovnik.

2. Wielizska Salt Mine (Poland) - US$100,000

The Bureau recommended, after considerable debate, the approval by the Committee of this request for US$100,000 to purchase the dehumidifying equipment required for the preservation of the salt sculptures of this World Heritage Site in Danger.

3. Kathmandu Valley (Nepal) - US$52,000

The Bureau recommended approval by the Committee of the requested US$52,000 for the deployment of a UNESCO international technical advisor for 6 months in view of the serious and urgent need for strengthen measures to redress the present state of conservation of the Kathmandu Valley.

4. The Complex of the Hue Monuments (Vietnam) (Upgrading of the Hue Conservation Laboratory) - US$108,000

The Bureau recommended the approval of the amount of US$108,000 to meet the cost of laboratory equipment purchase (US$72,700) and related short-term training to enable the Hue authorities to have the basic facilities to overcome the present obstacles to conservation. The World Heritage Centre should, however, be consulted on the list of equipment, and approve the detailed specification and cost estimate, as well as the selection of the international experts.

5. Historic Areas of Istanbul (Turkey) (Restoration of the mosaics of Hagia-Sophia) - US$80,000

The Bureau recommended approval by the Committee of an amount of US$80,000 to complete the final phase of this restoration project.

18 COM XII.3
Requests for International Assistance: Technical Cooperation - Cultural heritage

The Committee noted that the Bureau in examining the ten technical cooperation requests for cultural properties, two submitted by ICCROM and eight by States Parties, gave priority to activities for properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger and to those having a catalytic affect rather than for the funding of specific restoration works, in accordance with previous decisions taken by the Committee.

Reauests approved by the Bureau:

  1. The Historic Town of Ouro Preto (Brazil) - US$20,000
    The Bureau approved US$20,000 out of the total amount of US$50,000, subject to obtaining assurance that the balance of US$30,000 for the construction of five houses for the relocation of the affected inhabitants is funded by other sources.
  2. ICCROM Technical Assistance - US$25,000
    The Bureau approved this financial support to the ICCROM Technical Assistance Programme to supply institutions of State Parties, free of charge, with basic documentation, scientific and didactic equipment and conservation products.
  3. Printing of Management Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage Sites, by B.M. Feilden and J. Jokilehto - US$6,900
    The Bureau approved this request to support the printing cost of the French-language edition of this publication if other sources, notably of the Fra-ncophone community cannot be identified.

Requests approved by the Committee:

The Committee approved the following requests on the basis of the recommendations of the Bureau:

  1. Old City of Dubrovnik (Croatia) - US$50,000
    The Committee approved the full requested amount of US$ 50,000 for, inter alia, the purchase of equipment for the documentation centre; expertise for the development of a tourism development plan; promotional and educational material and activities on World Heritage in Dubrovnik.
  2. Wieliczka Salt Mine (Poland) - US$100,000
    The Committee approved this request for US$100,000 to purchase the dehumidifying equipment required for the preservation of the salt sculptures of this World Heritage Site in Danger.
  3. Kathmandu Valley (Nepal) - US$52,000
    The Committee approved the requested US$ 52,000 for the deployment of a UNESCO international technical advisor for 6 months in view of the serious and urgent need for strengthen measures to redress the present state of conservation of the Kathmandu Valley.
  4. The Complex of the Hue Monuments (Vietnam) - US$108,000
    (Upgrading of the Hue Conservation Laboratory)
    The Committee approved the amount of US$108,000 to meet the cost of laboratory equipment purchase (US$ 72,700) and related short-term training to enable the Hue authorities to have the basic facilities to overcome the present obstacles to conservation. The World Heritage Centre should, however, be consulted on the list of equipment, and approve the detailed specification and cost estimate; as well as the selection of the international experts.
  5. Historic Areas of Istanbul (Turkey) - US$80,000
    (Restoration of the mosaics of Hagia-Sophia)
    The Committee approved an amount of $80,000 to complete the final phase of this restoration project.

Requests not approved by the Committee:

  1. Ngorongoro Conservation Area (United Republic of Tanzania)
    (International Conference on Ngorongoro, in Bellagio, Italy)
    The Committee endorsed the Bureau's view not to approve this request although the value of the proposed international conference in Italy for the Tanzanian conservators is recognized, and in view of the fact that other funding sources are available for this Conference at the Rockefeller Foundation in Italy.
  2. Palmyra (Syrian Arab Republic)
    The Committee did not approve this request for US$90,000 but suggested that the Syrian authorities submit an alternative request to prepare a global and coherent conservation programme for this site in accordance with the recommendations of the UNESCO expert mission which took place in December 1993.

No draft Decision

Report year: 1994
Viet Nam
Date of Inscription: 1993
Category: Cultural
Criteria: (iv)
Documents examined by the Committee
arrow_circle_right 18COM (1994)

* : The threats indicated are listed in alphabetical order; their order does not constitute a classification according to the importance of their impact on the property.
Furthermore, they are presented irrespective of the type of threat faced by the property, i.e. with specific and proven imminent danger (“ascertained danger”) or with threats which could have deleterious effects on the property’s Outstanding Universal Value (“potential danger”).

** : All mission reports are not always available electronically.