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World Heritage Convention

8194 Decisions
146 Resolutions
By Year
The Committee noted that the Bureau in examining the ten technical cooperation requests for cultural properties, two submitted by ICCROM and eight by States Parties, gave priority to activities for properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger and to those having a catalytic affect rather than for the funding of specific restoration works, in accordance with previous decisions taken by the Committee. Reauests approved by the Bureau: The Historic Town of Ouro Preto (Brazil) - US$20,000 The Bureau approved US$20,000 out of the total amount of US$50,000, subject to obtaining ...
XII.6 The Committee noted that the Bureau at its eighteenth session in December 1994, examined eleven requests for training activities related to cultural properties of which five were submitted by ICCROM and six by State Parties to the total amount exceeding US$ one million. The Bureau reported to the Committee that in view of budgetary constraints it gave priority to requests submitted by developing countries for activities benefiting site managers of World Heritage cultural properties. Funding of courses held in situ which take into account local training needs were given priority ...
XIII.1 The Committee approved the report of the Working Group on the World Heritage Fund, budget and development of the Centre. Revisions to the budget format were prepared and, following considerable discussions, a budget of US$ 2,935,000 was approved for 1995, and an indicative budget of US$ 2,885,000 for 1996 was noted. XIII.2 The Committee recommended that the Secretariat should continue to strengthen its efforts towards a more transparent budget. The budget document should clearly reflect increases or decreases in line items with a rationale for the action taken. XIII. 3 On ...
XIV.1 Work Group 2 examined working document WHC­94/CONF.003/9Rev., particularly the proposed revisions of the Operational Guidelines regarding the 'criteria for the inclusion of cultural properties in the World Heritage List', 'monitoring and reporting' and the 'timetable for the processing of nominations'. XIV.2 The Committee decided that the following proposals, that had not been examined by the Work Group, should be brought forward to the nineteenth session of the Bureau in July 1995: 'deadline for presentation of requests for technical assistance', 'establishment of the World ...
XV. 19 The question of the logo was further touched upon in Work Group 1, which prepared recommendations to the Committee concerning the World Heritage Fund, the 1995 Budget and the future development of the World Heritage Centre. When dealing with budget line 7 (Promotion and Education) of Annex V, doc. WHC-94/CONF.003/10 and the annex to doc. WHC-94/CONF.003/11, the Work Group decided to delete US $ 50.000 foreseen for the protection of the World Heritage Logo, and to reallocate these funds under other budget lines. The Committee endorsed this by accepting the overall 1995 budget ...
XVI.1 The Committee took note of document WHC-94/CONF­003/14 which reported on the deliberations of the eighteenth session of the Bureau with regard to a proposal for the modification of paragraphs 8 and 12 of Rule 13 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly. XVI.2 The Delegations of Italy and France presented the following proposal for an amendment to the Rules of Procedure: "The proposal of the Bureau to simplify the procedures of the election of the Committee is certainly to be supported. However, we believe that a shift from the absolute majority to a simple majority ...
XVII.1 The Committee decided that the nineteenth session of the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee would be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris from 26 June - 1 July 1995, pending confirmation of the availability of UNESCO conference facilities for those dates. (Please see NOTE at the bottom of this page.)1 XVII.2 The Committee took note of the fact that the UNIDROIT conference on cultural property would take place in Rome from 5 to 23 June 1995. XVII.3 The Provisional Agenda for the nineteenth session of the Bureau as outlined in Document WHC-94/CONF.003.12 was adopted with the ...
XVIII.1 The Delegate of Germany transmitted the invitation of the German Government to host the nineteenth session of the Committee in Berlin from 4 to 9 December 1995. The Committee session will be preceded by a meeting of the Bureau to take place, also in Berlin, on 1 and 2 December 1995. XVIII.2 The Chairman thanked the Delegate of Germany for his Government's kind invitation which was warmly acclaimed by all delegates.
The Bureau considered the rapid growth in the demand for technical cooperation funds and recommended that, in the future, at least one third of the annual budget for technical cooperation should be targetted towards natural World Heritage sites. The Bureau considered 4 requests for technical cooperation for strengthening management of natural World Heritage sites and took the following decisions: Requests approved by the Bureau Srebarna Nature Reserve (Bulgaria) - US19,000: Purchase and installation of equipment for the measurement and monitoring of water-levels and water ...
The Bureau, noted the increasing demand for support for organizing training courses for natural and cultural heritage specialists. recommended that in the future the annual training budget should be divided equally for training natural and cultural heritage specialists. considered 8 requests for supporting the training of natural heritage specialists and worked on the assumption that the training budget for 1995 will be the same as that of 1994 and gave priority to supporting training activities in Africa and in less developed countries. Requests approved by the Bureau 1. 17th ...
Komodo National Park (Indonesia): The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve a sum of US$40,000 of the US$63,400 requested by the Indonesian authorities for the purchase of a patrol boat and the procurement and installation of a GIS-GPS system. The Bureau recommended that the Indonesian authorities limit the costs of the GIS-GPS system to a maximum of US$19,000 by calling for competitive bids for the supply and installation of this system for the Komodo National Park. Ujung Kulon National Park (Indonesia): The Bureau recommended that the Committee approve a sum of US$40,000 ...
In examining the 10 technical cooperation requests for cultural properties, 2 submitted by ICCROM and 8 by State Parties, the Bureau decided, in accordance with previous decisions taken by the Committee, to give priority to activities for properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger and to those having a catalytic effect rather than for the funding of specific restoration works. Requests approved by the Bureau 1. The Historic Town of Ouro Preto (Brazil) - US$20,000 The Bureau approved US$20,000 out of the total amount of US$50,000, subject to obtaining assurance that the ...
The Bureau at its 18th session in December 1994 examined 11 requests for training activities related to cultural properties of which 5 were submitted by ICCROM and 6 by State Parties to the total amount exceeding US$ one million. In view of budgetary constraints under the indicative allocation for training, the Bureau decided to give priority to requests submitted by developing countries for activities benefiting site managers of World Heritage cultural properties. The emphasis would be on courses held in situ which take into account local training needs rather than "regular contributions ...
1. Old City of Dubrovnik (Croatia) - US$50,000 The Bureau recommended the approval of the full requested amount of US50,000 for, inter alia, the purchase of equipment for the documentation centre; expertise for the development of a tourism development plan; promotional and educational material and activities on World Heritage in Dubrovnik. 2. Wielizska Salt Mine (Poland) - US$100,000 The Bureau recommended, after considerable debate, the approval by the Committee of this request for US$100,000 to purchase the dehumidifying equipment required for the preservation of the salt sculptures ...
1. ICCROM/CRATerre (International Centre for Earthen Constructions): Training for a professional team and craftsmen-technicians team for the restoration and maintenance of the Palace of Abomey, Benin - US$33,000 The Bureau recommended the approval of US$33,000 out of the original request for US$44,000. 2. Regional Training Course of Maghreb Architects for the Conservation and Protection of Cultural Monuments and Sites (1994 and 1995, Tunisia) - US$50,000 The Bureau recommended the approval by the Committee of the full amount of US$50,000 for this request. 3. Regional Meeting of ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Document WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/2, Adopts the Agenda included in the above-mentioned Document.
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/3 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/3.Add, Recalling that the 45th session of the World Heritage Committee, initially scheduled from 19 to 30 June 2022, was postponed by the Bureau on 21 April 2022, Also recalling that Rule 2.1 of its Rules of Procedure was suspended at its 17th extraordinary session (Decision 17 EXT.COM 3), Decides to hold its extended 45th session in presentia from 10 to 25 September 2023 in the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, under the Presidency of Her Highness Princess Haifa Al Mogrin (Saudi Arabia), ...
The World Heritage Committee, 1.    Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/4 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.4, Part I - Guiding Principles 2.    Recalling Decisions 42 COM 8B.24 and 44 COM 8 adopted at its 42nd (Manama, 2018) and the extended 44th (Fuzhou/online, 2021) sessions respectively, 3.    Considering the fruitful debates held during the meetings of the Open-ended Working Group established at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021) to broaden the scope of the reflection on sites of memory associated with recent conflicts, 4.    Also recalling that the World Heritage ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/5 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.5, Inscribes the Rachid Karami International Fair-Tripoli, Lebanon, on the World Heritage List according to the emergency procedure, on the basis of criteria (ii) and (iv); Adopts the following Statement of Outstanding Universal Value: Brief synthesis The Rachid Karami International Fair-Tripoli has been erected in Tripoli, the second largest city in Lebanon and the capital of the Northern Governorate, and was designed by Oscar Niemeyer between 1962-1967 and built until 1975. The ...
The World Heritage Committee, Having examined Documents WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/5 and WHC/23/18.EXT.COM/INF.5, Inscribes the Historic Center of the Port City of Odesa, Ukraine, on the World Heritage List according to the emergency procedure, on the basis of criteria (ii) and (iv); Adopts the following Statement of Outstanding Universal Value: Brief synthesis The historic centre of Odesa is part of a port city located on the Ukrainian shores of the Black Sea. It stands on a shallow indentation of the seacoast about thirty kilometres north of the Dniester River estuary. The city was ...