8th extraordinary session of the World Heritage Committee

UNESCO, Paris 25 October 2007

Bureau Members

Chairperson: Dr Christina Cameron (Canada)
Ms Allisandra Cummins (Barbados)
Israel, Kenya, Peru, Republic of Korea, Tunisia

Committee Members
Mandate End of
Benin 2003-2007 2007
Canada 2005-2009 2009
Chile 2003-2007 2007
Cuba 2005-2009 2009
India 2001-2007 2007
Israel 2005-2009 2009
Japan 2003-2007 2007
Kenya 2005-2009 2009
Kuwait 2003-2007 2007
Lithuania 2003-2007 2007
Madagascar 2005-2009 2009
Mauritius 2005-2009 2009
Morocco 2005-2009 2009
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) 2003-2007 2007
New Zealand 2003-2007 2007
Norway 2003-2007 2007
Peru 2005-2009 2009
Republic of Korea 2005-2009 2009
Spain 2005-2009 2009
Tunisia 2005-2009 2009
United States of America 2005-2009 2009