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World Heritage Convention

Decision 3 COM XV.54
Support sevices to the secretariat and to the advisory international organizations

The Committee then decided:

a) that it was not opportune at the present time to retain a fixed percentage such as 14%, as indicated in paragraph 26 of document CC-79/CONF.003/12, to cover direct management costs of the Convention;

b) to ask the Director-General of Unesco to make additional efforts to provide the Secretariat with an adequate permanent staff to enable it to meet the substantial increase in workload due to the fact that the Convention has now entered its operational phase. Until the Secretariat could be fully constituted and a sufficient number of Member States ratified the Convention, the Committee considered it necessary to continue to provide for temporary assistance for the Secretariat and decided to review this question at its next session;

c) that with respect to temporary assistance and the processing of files by the advisory organizations, only a limited number of files could be processed between two Committee sessions,and therefore no allocation per nomination file should be made.

d) to allocate the following funds for programme support for the implementation of the Convention:

- for the Secretariat: under temporary assistance. .. $ 70,000

of which $40,000 for two consultants each for 6 m/m, one consultant for the cultural part, and one consultant for the natural part, and $30,000 for two(part-time) secretaries-documentalists

for IUCN ..$ 12,000

of which $4,000 for evaluation of files based on approximately 20 files,

$2,500 for travel and per diem costs for participation in meetings of the Bureau,

$2,500 for promotion of the Convention and, if necessary, field visits,

$3,000 for professional experts in the evaluation of the nominations

for ICOMOS ..$ 30,000

of which $20,000 for a part-time co-ordinator to evaluate nominations based on approximately 80 files,

$10,000 for one third of a full-time secretary and miscellaneous secretariat expenditures.


Decision Code
3 COM XV.54
Administration, Budget
Report of the rapporteur on the third session of the World Heritage Committee
Context of Decision
CC-79/CONF.003/12 Rev