Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California

UNESCO/NHK Videos on Heritage
The site comprises 244 islands, islets and coastal areas that are located in the Gulf of California in north-eastern Mexico. The Sea of Cortez and its islands have been called a natural laboratory for the investigation of speciation. Moreover, almost all major oceanographic processes occurring in the planet’s oceans are present in the property, giving it extraordinary importance for study. The site is one of striking natural beauty in ... Source: UNESCO TV / © NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai URL:
© NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
UNESCO Marine World Heritage and COVID-19 (Part II)
The unprecedented drop in tourism revenues left UNESCO marine World Heritage sites struggling to keep rangers on the payroll, prevent rising illegal activity or continue crucial scientific monitoring. Local communities have seen their income vanish overnight, but some found creative ways to deal with the crisis and prepare for the future, as was shared during a September 2020 online meeting with Marine World Heritage Managers in the Americas. More information: