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World Heritage Convention

Decision 41 COM 7B.10
Cerrado Protected Areas: Chapada dos Veadeiros and Emas National Parks (Brazil) (N 1035)

The World Heritage Committee,

  1. Having examined Document WHC/17/41.COM/7B,
  2. Recalling Decisions 37 COM 7B.29, 39 COM 7B.27 and 40 COM 7B.71, adopted at its 37th (Phnom Penh, 2013), 39th (Bonn, 2015) and 40th (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016) sessions respectively,
  3. Notes the confirmation of the State Party that the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the property continues to be well preserved
  4. Takes note with satisfaction of the expansion of the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, recently approved by the Presidential Decree of 5 June 2017, accomplishing a long participatory process of discussions between stakeholders, civil society, national and regional authorities;
  5. Requests the State Party to prepare and submit, as soon as possible, a proposal for a boundary modification of the property, in conformity with Chapter III.1 of the Operational Guidelines, in order to align the boundaries of the Chapada dos Veadeiros component with the new boundaries approved for Chapada dos Veaeiros National Park, including the State proposed Nova Roma ecological station;
  6. Also requests the State Party to ensure that any land tenure issues around the approved expansion of the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park are fully addressed in order to guarantee that the extended boundaries are accepted by all local stakeholders;
  7. Further requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 December 2018, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property and the implementation of the above, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 43nd session in 2019.
Decisions adopted during the 41st session of the World Heritage Committee (Krakow, 2017)
Context of Decision