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Decision 10 COM XI.34-35
Requests for International Assistance

34. The Committee noted that, at a meeting of the Bureau during its session, consideration had been given to the procedure for the approval of large-scale technical cooperation requests. (...) In order to streamline the decision-making process, the Committee approved the Bureau's recommendations on the following points:

  • The ceiling for small-scale technical cooperation requests which can be approved by the Chairman at any time of the year should remain at $20.000 per project. The Chairman could not approve requests submitted by his own country.
  • The Bureau should be authorized by the Committee to approve technical cooperation requests amounting to a maximum of $30.000.
  • The Bureau would not have the authorization to approve requests amounting to $30.000 presented by States Parties which were members of the Bureau. In such cases, it could only make a recommendation and the request would be submitted to the Committee for approval.
  • The Bureau should meet twice a year, once, as before, in May-June of each year and a second time during the Committee session.
  • The Bureau should function as the financial committee of the World Heritage Committee having authority to approve requests amounting to $30.000, to review large-scale requests and to make recommendations to the Committee on the budget for the following year.
  • Large-scale technical cooperation requests (that is those exceeding $30.000) should be submitted to the Secretariat as early as possible each year. Those received before 31 August will be dealt with by the Committee the same year. Those received after 31 August will be processed by the Secretariat in the order in which they are received and will be considered by the Committee the same year if it has been possible to complete their processing in time.

35. The Committee requested the Secretariat to revise the Operational Guidelines accordingly.

Decision Code
10 COM XI.34-35
International Assistance, Operational Guidelines
Report of the rapporteur
Context of Decision