See World Heritage sites in 360 degree imaging at non-profit website

Wednesday, 12 March 2008
access_time 1 min read, a non profit organization sponsored by the J.M. Kaplan Fund, announces that 80 World Heritage sites shot in the Middle East and East Africa are now available in 360° panographic format at its website.

Currently panographies from Israel are being explored by thousands of visitors daily. In the coming weeks photos in this unique format will be uploaded from Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Oman, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.

In the past seven years, Belgian Tito Dupret has helped to produce some of the most impressive panographies - 360 degree imaging - ever seen of historic, rare and sometimes inaccessible sites across the globe.

The site is available in French and English and has lots of interactive, multi-media features. "There are also cubes that you can print, cut, fold and put together with your kids on your knee," explains Dupret. "This is a fabulous way to help them learn more about what World Heritage is."