109 Documents
Year of Publication: 1990close
CIVIDALE DEL FRIULI - The Gastaldaga and the Episcopal complex. Aerial view of the Site
Year: 1990
State Party: Italy
Site: Longobards in Italy. Places of the Power (568-774 A.D.)
Copyright: Elio e Stefano Ciol
Licences: All Rights Reserved
Author: Elio e Stefano Ciol
Size: 2946x2646 pixels
Download original size: No
Category: Photo / Media
The flight of eight locks at Ottawa Lockstation is the largest flight on the Rideau Canal.
Year: 1990
State Party: Canada
Site: Rideau Canal
Copyright: Parks Canada Agency
Author: Simon Lunn
Size: 1201x1757 pixels
Download original size: No
Category: Photo / Media
Group photo of the Desert Route Expedition of the Silk Roads from Xi’an to Kashgar
Year: 1990
Copyright: Peking University, China
Author: LIN Meicun
Size: 1300x478 pixels
Download original size: No
Category: Photo / Media
CC-90/CONF.004/1 Ordre du jour provisoire
Code: CC-90/CONF.004/1
Year: 1990
Session: 14COM
Language: Français fr
Category: Statutory documents
CC-90/CONF.004/1 Provisional Agenda
Code: CC-90/CONF.004/1
Year: 1990
Session: 14COM
Language: English en
Category: Statutory documents
CC-90/CONF.004/INF.1 Informations generales
Code: CC-90/CONF.004/INF.1
Year: 1990
Session: 14COM
Language: Français fr
Category: Statutory documents
CC-90/CONF.004/INF.1 General information
Code: CC-90/CONF.004/INF.1
Year: 1990
Session: 14COM
Language: English en
Category: Statutory documents
CC-90/CONF.004/INF.2 Liste des participants
Code: CC-90/CONF.004/INF.2
Year: 1990
Session: 14COM
Language: Français fr
Category: Statutory documents
CC-90/CONF.004/INF.2 List of participants
Code: CC-90/CONF.004/INF.2
Year: 1990
Session: 14COM
Language: English en
Category: Statutory documents
CC-90/CONF.004/INF.3 Liste des documents
Code: CC-90/CONF.004/INF.3
Year: 1990
Session: 14COM
Language: Français fr
Category: Statutory documents
CC-90/CONF.004/INF.3 List of documents
Code: CC-90/CONF.004/INF.3
Year: 1990
Session: 14COM
Language: English en
Category: Statutory documents
CC-90/CONF.004/4 Suivi de l'etat de conservation des biens naturels inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial
Code: CC-90/CONF.004/4
Year: 1990
Session: 14COM
Language: Français fr
Category: Statutory documents
CC-90/CONF.004/INF.4 Representation equitable des differentes regions et culturels du monde
Code: CC-90/CONF.004/INF.4
Year: 1990
Session: 14COM
Language: Français fr
Category: Statutory documents