93 Documents
Year of Publication: 1972close
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Title Code Session Year State Party State Party (ISO) Property Property inscribed on the Danger List Category Theme Language Language (ISO) Size
  1 Trajan kiosk partly submerged. Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae (Egypt) Monuments de Nubie d'Abou Simbel à Philae (Égypte) 1972 Egypt eg Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae Photo / Media 350x232px
  2 Signature of the World Heritage Convention by René Maheu, UNESCO Director-General, 23/11/1972. 1972 Photo / Media English en 1266x892px
  3 The World Saves Abu Simbel 1972 Egypt eg Nubian Monuments from Abu Simbel to Philae Photo / Media English en
  4 Special committee of government experts to prepare a draft convention and a draft recommendation to Member States concerning the protection of monuments, groups of buildings and sites, articles 1-5 (Drafting Committee) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  5 Definition du patrimoine immobilier culturel et naturel, politique nationale, principes generaux, organisation des services, mesures de protection, Recommandation 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  6 Definitions of the cultural and natural heritage; National Policy; General principles; Organisation of the services 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  7 Annex III. Projet révisé de recommandation concernant la protection, sur le plan national, du patrimoine culturel et naturel 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  8 Annex III. Revised draft recommendation concerning the protection, at national level of the cutural and natural heritage 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  9 Définition du patrimoine mondial immobilier 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  10 Definition of the immovable and natural heritage 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  11 Reglementation internationale pour une protection des monuements, des ensembles et des sites. Rapport definitif prepare en application de l'article 10.3 du Reglement relatif aux recommandations aux Etat membres et aux conventions internationales prevues p 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  12 International regulation for the Protection of Monuments, Groups of Buildings and Sites 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  13 Addendum 4. Reglementation internationale pour une protection des monuements, des ensembles et des sites. 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  14 Addendum 4. International regulations for the Protection of Monuments, Groups of Buildings and Sites. 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  15 Addendum 3. Reglementation internationale pour une protection des monuements, des ensembles et des sites. Rapport definitif prepare en application de l'article 10.3 du Reglement relatif aux recommandations aux Etat membres et aux conventions internationa 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  16 Addendum 3. International regulation for the Protection of Monuments, Groups of Buildings and Sites. 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  17 Addendum 2. Reglementation internationale pour une protection des monuements, des ensembles et des sites. Rapport definitif prepare en application de l'article 10.3 du Reglement relatif aux recommandations aux Etat membres et aux conventions international 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  18 Addendum 2. International regulations for the Protection of Monuments, Groups of Buildings and Sites. 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  19 Addendum 1. Reglementation internationale pour une protection des monuements, des ensembles et des sites. 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  20 Addendum 1. International regulations for the Protection of Monuments, Groups of Buildings and Sites. 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  21 Draft Amendment: Article 1 (submitted by Nigeria) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  22 Draft Amendment: Article 2 (submitted by Nigeria) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  23 Draft Amendment: Insert under Chapter V/VI (submitted by Germany) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  24 Draft Amendment: Article 11, 11bis, 11ter (submitted by the US) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  25 Draft Amendment: Article 11 (submitted by Italy) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  26 Draft Amendment: Articles 1 and 2 (submitted by Poland) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  27 Draft Amendment: Article 11 (submitted by Spain) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  28 Draft Amendment: Article 11 (submitted by Canada) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  29 Draft Amendment: Article 3 (submitted by the Khmer Republic) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  30 Draft Amendment: Article 6 (submitted by the USSR) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  31 Draft Amendment: Article 2 (submitted by the Khmer Republic) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  32 ONLY FR. IN ARCHIVES 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  33 Draft Amendment: Article 1 (submitted by the Khmer Republic) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  34 Draft Amendment: Article 11 (submitted by Afghanistan, Algeria, Brazil, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Nigeria, Senegal, Tunisia and Yugoslavia) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  35 Draft Amendment: Article 11 (submitted by the Khmer Republic) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  36 Draft Amendment: Articles 10 and 12 (submitted by the Khmer Republic) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  37 Article 1: Projet d'amendement presente par la delegation du Royaume-Uni 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  38 Draft Amendment: Article 1 (submitted by the United Kingdom) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  39 Draft Amendment: Article 11 (submitted by Austria) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  40 Ordre du jour provisoire 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  41 Provisional Agenda 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  42 Révision. Ordre du jour provisoire 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  43 Revision. Provisional Agenda 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  44 General information 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  45 Note du Secrétariat général de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur l’environnement 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  46 Note by the General Secretariat of the UN Conference on the Human Environment 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  47 Comparative table of the provisions of the revised draft convention concerning the protection of monuments, groups of buildings and sites of universal value, submitted by the DG of UNESCO, and the pro 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  48 Documents de travail prepare par le groupe de travail. Projet de Convention concernant la protection du patrimoine mondial culturel et naturel 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  49 Working documents prepared by the working group: Articles 1-7, Bodies for the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage, resources of the international fund for the protection of the world 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  50 Documents de travail prepare par le groupe de travail. Projet de Convention concernant la protection du patrimoine mondial culturel et naturel. Articles 5-7 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  51 Working document prepared by the working group: Articles 5-7 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  52 Documents de travail prepare par le groupe de travail. Projet de Convention concernant la protection du patrimoine mondial culturel et naturel. Articles 8-12 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  53 Working document prepared by the working group: Articles 8-12 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  54 Documents de travail. Projet de Convention concernant la protection du patrimoine mondial culturel et naturel. Articles13-16 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  55 Working document prepared by the working group: Articles 13-16 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  56 Projet de Convention concernant la protection du patrimoine mondial culturel et naturel. Article 2 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  57 Article 2 (working document prepared by working group II) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  58 Article 6 (texte présenté par le Comité de Rédaction) 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  59 Article 6 (Text presented by the Drafting Committee) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  60 Article 7 (Comité de Rédaction) 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  61 Article 7 (Drafting Committee) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  62 Articles 8-10 (Comité de Rédaction) 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  63 Articles 8-10 (Drafting Committee) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  64 Articles 11-14 (Comité de Rédaction) 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  65 Articles 11-14 (Drafting Committee) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  66 Articles 15-17 (Drafting Committee) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  67 Articles 18-27 (Drafting Committee) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  68 Articles 28-37 (Drafting Committee) 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  69 Draft Report 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  70 Draft Report Addendum 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  71 Draft Report Addendum 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  72 Draft Convention for the protection of the cultural and natural World Heritage 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  73 Definitions 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  74 Draft recommendation concerning athe protection at national level, of the cultural and natural heritage 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  75 Comité spécial d'experts gouvernementaux chargé de préparer un projet de convention et un projet de recommandation aux Etats Membres concernant la protection des monuments, des ensembles et des sites 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  76 Reports of the Programme Commissions, Administrative Commission and Legal Committee 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  77 Address by Mr. Rene Mahen (DG/UNESCO) at the opening of the meeting of the Special Committee of governmental experts to prepare a draft Convention and draft recommendation to member states concerning 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  78 [Final debate in the 17th General Conference on the adoption of the World Heritage Convention] 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  79 Projet de Convention pour la protection du patrimoine mondial, culturel et naturel. Conference Générale, Paris, 1972. 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  80 Draft Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. General Conference, Seventeenth session, Paris 1972 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  81 Révision. Points 22 et 23 de l’ordre du jour. Amendements proposés par l’Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques au projet de Convention concernant la protection du patrimoine mondial 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  82 Revision. Amendments proposed by the USSR to the Draft Convention for the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  83 17e Conférence générale. Amendements proposés par l'U.R.S.S au projet de convention concernant la protection du patrimoine mondial, culturel et naturel 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  84 Amendments proposed by the USSR to the Draft Convention for the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage 1972 Establishment of the Convention English en
  85 Corrigendum. Projet de convention pour la protection du patrmoine mondial, culturel et naturel. 1972 Establishment of the Convention Français fr
  86 Конвенция об охране всемирного культурного и природного наследия 1972 Basic Texts Русский ru
  87 Convenção para a protecção do património mundial, cultural e natural 1972 Basic Texts Português pt
  88 האמנה להגנה על המורשת התרבותית והטבעית של העולם 1972 Basic Texts עברית he
  89 Convention pour la Protection du Patrimoine Mondial, Culturel et Naturel 1972 Basic Texts Français fr
  90 Convención sobre la protección del patrimonio mundial, cultural y natural 1972 Basic Texts Español es
  91 Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage 1972 Basic Texts English en
  92 保护世界文化和自然遗产公约 1972 Basic Texts 中文‬ zh
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