Fuzina Hills in Bohinj

Date of Submission: 09/12/1994
Criteria: (ii)(v)
Category: Cultural
Submitted by:
Ministry of Culture
Coordinates: The Fuzina Hills are located in the north-western part of Slovenia, 60 km from Ljubljana in the Triglav National Park
Ref.: 592
Cultural landscapes

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Property names are listed in the language in which they have been submitted by the State Party


The area encompasses the settlements of Studor and Stara Fuzina and the alpine pastures known as the Fuzina Hills. The altitude varies from 540 m in Stara Fuzina to 1,700 m on top of Mt Tosc. The area covers approximately 50 kmr. The function of the Fuzina Hills was the result of the specific needs of pasture cattle-raising, where it is common for cattle to gradually move up to the highlands in the summer months in the search for grazing. The area, at an altitude of 1,000 m above sea level, is very diversified and picturesque. The following types of landscape can be found in this area: - a glacial valley which is agriculturally cultivated and, from the aspect of town planning and architecture, the old, fine settlements of Studor and Stara Fuzina; - forests and pastures on the slopes; - there are alpine pastures in the Karst region with an altitude of more than 1,000 m which were cleared for grazing in the Middle Ages. Bohinj is the main centre in the Julian Alps due to the extent and intensity of alpine cattle rearing. In this area the alpine pastures are most numerous and most densely distributed and they extend right under Triglav. The farming community of Studor - Stara Fuzina has 4 meadows (llkanc, Blatca, Voje and Vogar), low-lying alpine pastures (Hebet, Vodicui Vrh, Blato, Grintavca, Vrtaca and Trsje) and 6 high alpine pastures (Pri Jezeru, Dedno Polje, Visevoik, Laz, Zg. and Sp. Tosc). The cattle rearing character of the mountainous settlements is evident from the farm structures - primarily hayracks - both isolated and in groups (the group of hayracks below the village of Studor is the most famous). During the s~mmer herdsmen move to the hills with their cattle and stay in traditional wooden buildings (herdsments huts raised on posts) which are organised in a typical spatial manner (in a cluster or longitudinal ). Similar herdsmen's huts also used to be erected in other parts of the Julian Alps but now they are only preserved in this archaic form in Bohinj. At the beginning of the century numerous alpine pastures acquired their own cheese dairy and the tradition of cheese making in this alpine area has been preserved to the present day. The area is protected as part of the Triglav National Park and a lively tradition of alpine herding is preserved in the customs and minds of the people.