State Historical and Cultural Park “Ancient Merv”

Requests Approved
122,993 USD
Total Amount Approved
ID Approved Date Title Step
1804 29 June 2006 On-site training in Merv World Heritage site for the reinforcement of the capacities of the National Department for the Protection and Restoration of Monuments
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Chairperson
Approved Amount: 24,179 USD
Decision Date: 29-Jun-2006
Previous Id: 2006-1348
Type: conservation
Category: culture
1607 29 June 2002 Reinforcement of the capacities of the Department for Protection and Restoration of Monuments, Turkmenistan, to conserve the World Heritage site of Ancient Merv
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Committee
Approved Amount: 38,814 USD
Decision Date: 29-Jun-2002
Previous Id: 2003-750
Type: conservation
Category: culture
1517 11 April 2002 Reinforcement of the capacities of Turkmenistan, to conserve the World Heritage site of Ancient Merv
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Bureau
Approved Amount: 30,000 USD
Decision Date: 11-Apr-2002
Previous Id: 2002-762
Type: conservation
Category: culture
1304 30 June 2000 Technical support for the monitoring of principle earthen architectural monuments within Ancient Merv (PARTIALLY IMPLEMENTED IN 2000)
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Bureau
Approved Amount: 30,000 USD
Decision Date: 30-Jun-2000
Previous Id: 2000-441
Type: conservation
Category: culture