Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary

Requests Approved
41,850 USD
Total Amount Approved
ID Approved Date Title Step
2342 14 June 2011 Shark tagging technique improvement for better retention in time of tags, therefore increasing the quality of data obtain in the movements of sharks in Colombia (REQUEST APPROVED UNDER ITALIAN FUNDS EARMARKED FOR IA-196EAR4000.10.1)
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Director
Approved Amount: 3,850 USD
Decision Date: 14-Jun-2011
Type: conservation
Category: nature
2119 11 October 2010 Urgent support in the Malpelo fauna and flora sanctuary to establish an adequate waste treatment system and provide a coast guard training in waste management and prevention of invasive species arrival in the island.
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Chairperson
Approved Amount: 30,000 USD
Decision Date: 11-Oct-2010
Type: conservation
Category: nature
1675 14 September 2004 Preparation of a serial nomination of the Sanctuary of Flora and Fauna Malpelo Island and Gorgona National Park
Decision: Approved
Decision by: Chairperson
Approved Amount: 8,000 USD
Decision Date: 14-Sep-2004
Previous Id: 2004-1048
Type: preparatory
Category: nature