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World Heritage Convention

Decision 21 COM VII.58
Resolution Concerning Cultural Properties in Afghanistan

VII.58 The Delegate of Japan expressed his great concern about the safety of the cultural properties in Afghanistan. With regard to threats to the cultural heritage of Afghanistan, the Committee unanimously adopted the following resolution submitted by Italy:

The World Heritage Committee, convened in Naples from 1 to 6 December 1997 at its twenty-first session,

Concerned at news reports about threats to the cultural and natural heritage of Afghanistan, particularly the Buddhist statues in Bamyan,

Stressing the need to consider this heritage, for its inestimable value, not only as part of the heritage of Afghanistan but as part of the heritage of humankind,

Recalling the appeal made by the Director-General of UNESCO in September 1997 in Islamabad for international solidarity for the protection of the Afghan cultural heritage,

Bearing in mind the rights and duties of all State Parties to the Convention concerning the protection of the world cultural and natural heritage,

1. Reaffirms the sovereign rights and responsibilities, towards the International Community, of each State for the protection of its own cultural and natural heritage;

2. Calls upon the International Community to provide all the possible assistance needed to protect and conserve the cultural and natural heritage of Afghanistan under threat;

3. Invites the authorities in Afghanistan to take appropriate measures in order to safeguard the cultural and natural heritage of the country;

4. Further invites the authorities in Afghanistan to co-operate with UNESCO and the World Heritage Committee with a view to ensuring effective protection of its cultural and natural heritage;

5. Requests the Secretariat of UNESCO to take appropriate steps to foster international awareness of the outstanding value of Afghan cultural and natural heritage and to co-operate with the SPACH (Society for Preservation of Cultural Heritage of Afghanistan) and other partners for safeguarding that heritage;

6. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.

Decision Code
21 COM VII.58
Conservation, Inscriptions on the World Heritage List
States Parties 1