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World Heritage Convention

Decision 25 BUR V.150-152
Gros Morne National Park (Canada)

V.150     The Bureau was informed that on 9 May 2001 a fax was received from Parks Canada providing new information on a number of developments since November 2000, which was transmitted to IUCN for review.

V.151     The Delegate of Canada informed the Bureau that staff from Gros Morne continue to work directly with the forestry company and the provincial government to ensure that the ecological integrity and the World Heritage values of the national park are recognized, taken into account and maintained in the context of forest operations. Canada would be pleased to provide additional information about this issue prior to the next Committee session.

V.152     The Bureau commended the State Party for the efforts to enhance the protection of the site and particularly through the development of suitable solutions to address the effect of logging outside the World Heritage site on the aesthetic values that justified inscription of the site under criterion (iii).  The Bureau acknowledged the commitment by the logging company to the conservation of this site by deciding to cease clear cutting in the entire Main River watershed. The Bureau however requested the State Party to keep the Centre informed on progress towards ensuring that proposed alternative harvesting regimes take into full consideration any potential impacts to the ecological integrity of this site.

Decision Code
25 BUR V.150-152
States Parties 1
State of conservation reports
2001 Gros Morne National Park
Context of Decision