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Decision 12 COM XVI.73
Other Business: Concerns About the Situation of Architectural Heritage, Both Urban and Rural, in Romania

73. The Secretary-General of ICOMOS read out a telex message from Professor Roberto di Stefano, President of ICOMOS, expressing the grave concern of his Organization about "the situation of architectural heritage, both urban and rural, in Romania". After describing the measures taken by ICOMOS, the message stated that this organization was ready to help the Committee in any way possible. The Committee noted that Romania was not a State Party to the Convention and that when the matter had been raised in the recent 130th session of Unesco's Executive Board, the Director-General had informed that body of the measures he was taking to obtain clarifications form the Romanian authorities on the effects on the architectural heritage of its "rural systematisation" policies. The Committee endorsed the concern expressed by ICOMOS and expressed the wish that this concern be communicated to the Romanian authorities. An observer from a States Party suggested that in the "global study" it would be carrying out ICOMOS could give priority attention to Romanian properties of World Heritage significance.

Decision Code
12 COM XVI.73
Conservation, Credibility of the World Heritage List
States Parties 1
Report of the World Heritage Committee