41st session of the World Heritage Committee

Krakow, Poland 2-12 July 2017

Monday, 3 July 2017
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
09:14:15 (0:14:15)

Item 1 Opening session
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
09:15:15 (0:15:15)

Tribute to HE Sok An, Deputy Prime Minister of Cambodia, artisan of the safeguarding of Angkor
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
09:18:25 (0:18:25)

Item 2 Admission of Observers
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
09:23:05 (0:23:5)

Item 3A and 3B Adoption of the Agenda and the Timetable
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
09:33:05 (0:33:5)

Item 4 Report of the Rapporteur of the 40th session of the World Heritage Committee (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016)
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
09:44:07 (0:44:7)

Item 14 Report on the execution of the budget for the biennium 2016-2017 and preparation of the budget for the biennium 2018-2019 [Constitution of consultative body]
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
09:53:10 (0:53:10)

Item 11 Revision of the Operational Guidelines [Constitution of consultative body]
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
09:56:10 (0:56:10)

Item 12A Follow-up to Recommendations of Evaluations and Audits on Working Methods: outcomes of the ad-hoc Working Group [Opening of the item]
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
10:06:28 (1:6:28)

Item 5A Report of the World Heritage Centre on its activities and the implementation of the World Heritage Committee’s Decisions
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
11:35:20 (2:35:30)

Item 5B Reports of the Advisory Bodies
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
11:35:30 (2:35:40)

Item 5B Reports of the Advisory Bodies ICOMOS
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
11:42:15 (2:42:15)

Item 5B Reports of the Advisory Bodies: ICCROM
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
11:51:10 (2:51:10)

Item 5B Reports of the Advisory Bodies: IUCN
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
11:59:40 (2:59:40)

Message from the World Heritage Young Professionals Forum 2017
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
15:00:00 (0:0:0)

Session of Monday 3rd July, 15h-18h
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
15:00:10 (0:0:10)

Item 5B Reports of the Advisory Bodies: Questions / Answers
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
15:58:50 (0:58:50)

Item 5C The World Heritage Convention and sustainable development
play_arrow Monday, 3 July 2017
17:07:50 (2:7:50)

Item 6 Follow-up to the World Heritage Capacity-building Strategy and Progress Report on the World Heritage-related category 2 centres