N°: 1974

Simien: request for equipment and specialists services

State Party
Not approved
by: Committee 8 Sep 1978
Process Step
Amount Requested: 0 USD
Type of Assistance: Natural / Conservation
Modality: Technical Cooperation
World Bank: LIC
LDC: Yes
N°: 1974
Decision: Not approved
Decision by: Committee
Decision Date: 8 Sep 1978

Committee Decisions

Code: 02COM IX.48

The Committee, fully aware of the urgency to assist Ethiopia in the great task of preserving this threatened property, agreed to make available to Ethiopia, if requested, preparatory assistance, deemed necessary by the Committee for the elaboration of a more comprehensive technical assistance request and the conduct of a feasibility study. Subject to the outcome of this preparatory work, technical assistance may be granted by the Committee or emergency assistance by the Chairman, for the Simien World Heritage site, as appropriate.

Read more about the decision
Code: 01BUR VIii.26

The Bureau felt that more precise information was needed regarding the details of the project, the realism of the salary scales proposed and the likelihood of the effective implementation of the project in the near future.

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