668 Documents
Year of Publication: 2004close
Tongariro National Park (New Zealand)
Year: 2004
State Party: New Zealand
Site: Tongariro National Park
Copyright: UNESCO
Licences: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO
Author: S. A. Tabbasum
Size: 2304x1728 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Year: 2004
State Party: Canada
Site: Anticosti
Copyright: André Desrochers
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: André Desrochers
Size: 2560x1920 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Stela 4
Year: 2004
State Party: Guatemala
Site: National Archaeological Park Tak’alik Ab’aj
Copyright: Vice ministry of Cultural and Natural Heritage
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: National Archaeological Park Tak’alik Ab’aj
Size: 768x1024 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Red lacquered pots - Korekawa Site
Year: 2004
State Party: Japan
Site: Jomon Prehistoric Sites in Northern Japan
Copyright: Hachinohe City Board of Education
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: Hachinohe City Board of Education
Size: 832x1055 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
The Thirteen Towers
Year: 2004
State Party: Peru
Site: Chankillo Archaeoastronomical Complex
Copyright: lDARQ
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author:  Ivan Ghezzi
Size: 1080x720 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Chapel of the Blessed Luca Belludi, Basilica of St. Anthony
Year: 2004
State Party: Italy
Site: Padua’s fourteenth-century fresco cycles
Copyright: Messaggero di Sant'Antonio
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: Fototeca Messaggero di Sant'Antonio
Size: 2728x3721 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Scrovegni Chapel, interior
Year: 2004
State Party: Italy
Site: Padua’s fourteenth-century fresco cycles
Copyright: Comune di Padova Settore Cultura, Turismo, Musei e Biblioteche
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: Comune di Padova, Gabinetto Fotografico dei Musei Civici di Padova
Size: 5079x3587 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Arslantepe Palace Southern public sectors from Period VIA.
Year: 2004
State Party: Türkiye
Site: Arslantepe Mound
Copyright: MAIAO
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: Roberto Ceccacci
Size: 2443x3629 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Traditional Group of Buildings
Year: 2004
Copyright: Bandar M. Al-Malaq
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: Bandar M. Al-Malaq
Size: 2304x1728 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Snow removal in Spring
Year: 2004
Copyright: Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße AG (GROHAG), Rainerstr.2 5020 Salzburg/Austria
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: GROHAG
Size: 3008x2000 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Venetian Works of Defence between 15th and 17th Centuries: Aerial view of the fortified city (Bergamo, Italy)
Year: 2004
State Party: Croatia, Italy, Montenegro
Site: Venetian Works of Defence between the 16th and 17th Centuries: Stato da Terra – Western Stato da Mar
Copyright: Alberto Ghilardi – Foto Aeree Ghilardi
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: Alberto Ghilardi
Size: 3543x1767 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Historic Centre of Cetinje: The Icon of Our Lady of Phileremo
Year: 2004
Copyright: Administration for the Protection of Cultural Property
Licences: All Rights Reserved
Author: Documentation of the Administration for the Protection of Cultural Property
Size: 2861x3511 pixels
Download original size: No
Category: Photo / Media
Vaulted cellars, Reims
Year: 2004
State Party: France
Site: Champagne Hillsides, Houses and Cellars
Copyright: Association Paysages du Champagne
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: Michel Jolyot
Size: 2000x3008 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Aerial view of Bur Dubai
Year: 2004
Copyright: AHAD, Dubai Municipality
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: AHAD, Dubai Municipality
Size: 2835x2126 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Van Nellefabriek
Year: 2004
State Party: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Site: Van Nellefabriek
Copyright: Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed
Author: Ronald Tilleman
Size: 3543x2362 pixels
Download original size: No
Category: Photo / Media
Van Nellefabriek
Year: 2004
State Party: Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
Site: Van Nellefabriek
Copyright: Fas Keuzenkamp
Author: Fas Keuzenkamp
Size: 3543x2362 pixels
Download original size: No
Category: Photo / Media
Château du Clos de Vougeot
Year: 2004
State Party: France
Site: The Climats, terroirs of Burgundy
Copyright: Jean-Louis Bernuy
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Size: 3061x2028 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
General View of Cultural Landscape of Maymand
Year: 2004
State Party: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Site: Cultural Landscape of Maymand
Copyright: MCHB / M.Hekmat
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: M. Hekmat
Size: 3456x1648 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Pimachiowin Aki - Canada: Rapids Atikaki Park
Year: 2004
State Party: Canada
Site: Pimachiowin Aki
Copyright: Don Sullivan
Licences: Nomination File (non exclusive cession of rights: yes)
Author: Don Sullivan
Size: 3300x2550 pixels
Download original size: Yes
Category: Photo / Media
Neolithic Site of Çatalhöyük
Year: 2004
State Party: Türkiye
Site: Neolithic Site of Çatalhöyük
Copyright: Çatalhöyük Research Project
Author: Jason Quinlan
Size: 3008x2000 pixels
Download original size: No
Category: Photo / Media