Conflict prevention

With regards to conflict prevention, the Policy Document for the Integration of a Sustainable Development Perspective into the Processes of the World Heritage Convention states that:

"States Parties have a critically important role to play in ensuring that the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, including the establishment of the World Heritage List and management of inscribed properties, are used to prevent conflicts between and within States Parties and to promote respect for cultural diversity within and around World Heritage properties. To this end, States Parties should:

i. Support scientific studies and research methodologies, including those conducted by local communities, aimed at demonstrating the contribution that the conservation and management of World Heritage properties and their wider setting make to conflict prevention and resolution, including, where relevant, by drawing on traditional ways of solving disputes that may exist within communities;

ii. Develop an inclusive approach to identifying, conserving and managing their own World Heritage properties that promote consensus and celebrate cultural diversity, as well as understanding of and respect for heritage belonging to others, particularly neighbouring States Parties;

iii. Consider Tentative List additions and nominations for World Heritage listing that have potential to generate fruitful dialogue between States Parties and different cultural communities, for example through sites that "exhibit an important interchange of human values…" (Criterion ii);

iv. Adopt cross-culturally sensitive approaches to the interpretation of World Heritage properties that are of significance to various local communities and other stakeholders, particularly when nominating or managing heritage places associated with conflicts;

v. Consider, where appropriate, identifying, nominating and managing transboundary/transnational heritage properties and supporting mentoring arrangements in order to foster dialogue between neighboring States Parties or non-contiguous States Parties sharing a common heritage.

World Heritage Sustainable Development Policy