World Heritage Newsletter N°38

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World Heritage Newsletter N°38
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World Heritage Newsletter N°38
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World Heritage Newsletter N°38
Saturday, 1 February 2003
  • Editorial - Francesco Bandarin
  • Co-operation Agreement with Belgian Government Dam in Iraq
  • Interview with Indian Ambassador
  • Interview with South African Ambassador
  • Periodic Reporting in Asia and the Pacific
  • The 5th IUCN World Parks Congress
  • The Italian Ambassador: Shared Legacy, Common Responsibility
  • Modern Heritage for the Americas
  • Five Key Conservationists in the DRC Die
  • World Heritage In Danger
  • For Your Information
  • What Are They Doing?
  • Calendar
World Heritage Centre
Language: English en
Editor: Barbara Giudice
Publisher: UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Periodicity: Bi-monthly
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