ICOMOS Reactive Monitoring Mission Report, Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento, 1 - 3 April 2002

ICOMOS Reactive Monitoring Mission Report, Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento, 1 - 3 April 2002
Date :
mercredi 3 avril 2002
An ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission was undertaken in April 2002 to assess a project for a hotel and casino in the harbour area of Colonia. The report of the mission includes recommendations and guidelines for the further development and revision of the project, specifically regarding the need to maintain the internal patio-structure of the building block and some original buildings and walls, as well as to avoid a uniform height of the buildings. The report also emphasizes the need to proceed with the preparation of a master and management plan for the World Heritage site in the context of an urban development plan for the city of Colonia that, among other things, should guarantee the permanence of residential functions and the adequate management of tourism.
Auteur :
Pernaut, Carlos
Langue : Español es