Report on the WHC mission to Ethiopia, 5-12 February 1998

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Report on the WHC mission to Ethiopia, 5-12 February 1998
Thursday, 12 February 1998
World Heritage Properties
In accordance with the recommendation adopted by the World Heritage Committee at its twenty-first session (December 1997) which « underlined the importance of an integrated conservation and a long-term management plan of the site” the World Heritage Centre organized a mission to Ethiopia from 5 to 12 February 1998.   This mission, which was carried out by the Director of the Cultural Heritage Division of UNESCO and a consultant, Professor Laureano, had as objective to first of all establish an action plan for the conservation programme of Lalibela, approved by the Committee in December 1997 in the framework of the co-operation agreement signed between the Ethiopian authorities and the European Union.
Language: English en