IUCN / Senegal National Park Service / University of Dakar joint mission report, Niokolo-Koba National Park

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IUCN / Senegal National Park Service / University of Dakar joint mission report, Niokolo-Koba National Park
Wednesday, 1 January 1992
World Heritage Properties
IUCN's Office for Western Africa, in co-operation with the Senegal National Park Service and the University of Dakar, has undertaken a field mission to examine the measures taken by  the Senegalese authorities to mitigative  the impacts of a road being constructed through this Park and the findings of the mission were to be reported to the Bureau when it convenes for its seventeenth session.
The Representative of IUCN informed the Bureau that the University of Dakar, Senegal, had undertaken an independent assessment of the implementation of mitigation measures and that the findings of this study had been validated by the Regional Representative of IUCN for West Africa.
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