Al Radom National Park

Date of Submission: 02/02/2021
Criteria: (vii)(ix)(x)
Category: Natural
Submitted by:
Permanent Delegation of Sudan to UNESCO
State, Province or Region:
South Darfur State
Coordinates: N8 45 00 – 10 00 00 E23 20 00 – 24 46 00
Ref.: 6518

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Property names are listed in the language in which they have been submitted by the State Party


It occupies 1,250,970 hectares (3,091,200 acres) in size, lies in the south-western corner of Darfur state adjacent to the border with the republic of central Africa on Congo watershed system between longitude 23° 20° 00″– 24΄ 46΄ 00″ E. and latitude 8° 45΄ 00″ – 10° 00΄ 00″ N. Al Radom was declared a National Park at 1980 and as a biosphere reserve at 1982. It is located within the high rainfall wooded Savanna, the bulk of which is almost intercepted by Adda and Umblasha seasonal rivers confluence, covering an area of about 6000 square miles – about 155,399 hectares. The annual rainfall range between 900-1700 mm while mean annual relative humidity range between 57-65%. The average annual temperature is 16-27 C° The drainage system of the reserve is well developed and so far influenced by the underline structural feature which is predominantly basement complex comprises four main network namely are the following:              

  1. Adda valley drainage system which influences the central-southern and north eastern parts of the reserve (50% of the Park area), to foster Adda river on its course downstream.
  2. Um Blasha valley drainage system which is regarded as dentirc rectangular covering 25% of the area to enrich Um Blash River.
  3. Diofo valley drainage system which is classified as rectangular system (covering 15%) and contribute to the water regime on the eastern part.
  4. Khadra valley drainage system network which covers about 5% is generally rectangular and flows eastwards.

The above mentioned network contributes water to Bahr El Arab which in turn replenishes the White Nile before its confluence at Khartoum town. Beside the  two main seasonal rivers, Adda and Um Blasha, there are streams (Khors) and pools on the south and south west boundaries adjacent to the international border with the Republic of Central Africa, namely are Sirri, Rikki and river Eimmi.

Justification of Outstanding Universal Value

The global significances of Radom arise from its geo-physical location that starts on higher altitude of the Congo plateau forming a watershed system from which tributaries send down to Radom town to form Bahr Al Arab system. Rivers, streams, and permanent pools cover much of the reserve, which is characterized as a high rainfall wooded savannah. The Adda and Umblasha Rivers form the reserve’s northern and southern boundaries. The pools called locally as "Dahals" are defined oxbow lakes along the rivers and principal streams. Within Adda vicinity, a number of water resources including boreholes and Birkas (Pools) are scattered all over the area, hosted  a variety of fauna not found on surrounding habitats and hosted many sedentary and migratory birds. One of the features that characterize the area is the extensively scattered mounds of termite colonies which is regarded as an outstanding member of the class insecta that contributes vital elements to the wooded forest systems.

Criterion (vii): The naturalness and the esthetic features of Radom gave it an increasing interest both regionally and internationally. It is a watershed area. The park has remarkable beauty due to the many wetlands and pools surrounded  by mountains. The park represent the Northern portion of woodland extending from Equatorial region and Mambo Ecosystem of East Africa where tsetse fly exists. The exceptional environmental conditions of it and the features that characterizes the area is the extensively scattered mounds of termite colonies which is regarded as an outstanding member of the class insecta that contributes vital elements to the wooded forest systems.

Criterion (ix): The pools called locally as "Dahals" are defined oxbow lakes along the rivers and principal streams developed by significant on- going ecological process. Within Adda vicinity, a number of water resources including boreholes and Birkas (Pools) are scattered all over the area. The habitats of the park are very diversified, including aquatic ecosystems (rivers, streams, and permanent pools) accompanied with remarkable forest ecosystems which is characterized as a rich wooded savannah.

Criterion (x): Al Radom N.P. possesses important hydrological resources that favor the presence of an interesting bird and wildlife population some of them are endangered such as the elephant and lions. As park has a good reputation of sustaining a great variety of animal species in the early sixties, particularly when game posts were established in the park. The park has habitats that protect high biodiversity. The animals which show existence at the present time and frequently seen include bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus), spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta), stripped hyaena (Haeana hyaena), baboon (Papioanubis sp), warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus), patas monkey (Erythrocebus patas), green monkey (Cercopithecus aethiopicus), ratel (Mellivora capensis) and considerable numbers of African wild birds including tufted guinea fowl, (Numida meleagris), saddle-billed stork (Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis), Abyssinian ground horn-bill (bucorvus abussinian), secretary bird (Sagittarius serpentarius), bustard (Otis Kon) Marabou stork (Leptoptilos crumentiferus), crowned crane (Balaerica Pavonina) and miscellany of small birds. Reptalian species frequently observed within the area include the well known African python (Python seba), tortoise (Testudo sulcatus) crocodile (Crocodilus niloticus), monitors ( Varanus niloticus) and small lizards (Agama spp).

Statements of authenticity and/or integrity

It was declared a National Park at 1980 and as a biosphere reserve (BR ) at 1982, since then it is managed by Wildlife Conservation General Administration. Because of its location in civil conflict area in Darfur State, many people migrate and settled inside the park. Communities of residents regularly inhabit Radom area incorporates people from several ethnic backgrounds, predominantly occupying areas more or less situated within the vicinity of the main seasonal rivers, and include among others tribes such as Kara, Kerish, Ndogo, bunda, Dinka, Dajo, Berti and Tunjur who inhabit areas around Adda river, whereas other tribal groups in addition to Kara and Kerish such as Binga, Youlu, Faur, Massaleet and Tama inhabit the banks of Umbelasha river and represent the bulk of inhabitants compared to Adda sector to the east and south eastern parts of the reserve. The management objectives include the protection of the species of desert plants and wild animals and the integration of the local communities in the management and conservation efforts implementing the role of the BR. The integrity requires the necessary studies for the integration of the local population in various activities in order to raise the economic and social level.

Comparison with other similar properties

'W' National Park of Niger is located in a transition zone between savanna and woodlands and represents a part of the important ecosystem characteristics of the West African woodlands/savanna bio-geographical region. The property reflects the interaction between natural resources and human beings since neolithic times and has produced characteristic landscapes and plant formations and represents the evolution of biodiversity in the Sudano-Sahelian biome. 'W' Park the same as Al Radom NP, possesses important hydrological resources that favour the presence of an interesting bird population that continues to evolve. The landscapes of the Park are very diversified, including aquatic ecosystems (large and small rivers, ponds scattered all over the area) and land ecosystems where woodlands, grassy areas, brush shrubbery and gallery forests alternate.