Ghaznavi- Seljukian Axis in Khorasan

Date de soumission : 09/08/2007
Critères: (i)(ii)(iii)(iv)
Catégorie : Culturel
Soumis par :
Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization
État, province ou région :
Province of Khorasan
Ref.: 5211

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There exist numerous caravanserais in Silk Route from Seljukian period including Robat-Sharaf, Robat-Mahi, and historical complex of Sang-bast, Baba Loghman Building and other constructions. These properties prove the significance of the Route in the Great Khorasan and the present Khorasan.

Déclarations d’authenticité et/ou d’intégrité

In spite of incurred damages, the complex of Sang-bast and Robat-Mahi that are far away from Robat-Sharaf and Baba Loghman building have been renovated. The authenticity of the original and renovated properties can easily be seen.

Comparaison avec d’autres biens similaires

The complex of Sang-Bast and the method of its construction as well as the bas-relief of the dome can be compared with the original dome of Imam Reza Shrine The architecture, decorative brickworks of the arches of exterior bodies and generally the overall architectural appearance of Baba Loghman Building can be compared with tomb of Sheik Abolkheyr in Turkmenistan.

Robat-Mahi and Robat-Sharaf can be compared with Seljukian properties including the Chief Mosque of Isfahan, Tower of Sareban as well as towers of Bastam, Semnan, Damghan, Firouzabad in Sabzevar and Saveh.