Fungal Flora of Bukovské Hills

Date of Submission: 12/06/2002
Criteria: (x)
Category: Natural
Submitted by:
Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic
Coordinates: 22°-23° N / 49° E
Ref.: 1740

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The locality represents the biotopes of Bukovské hills with a focus .on a rare occurrence of species diversity pertaining in majority cases to macroscopic fungi. The biotopes of the above defined area include on the area of more than 700 km2 the biotopes of beech forests mixed with fir, maple forests mixed with beech, moors, riparian stands, floodplain beech forests, grassland areas, grassland woods, beech forests, river floodplains, oak forests mixed with beech, pastures with enclaves, moss and moorland communities of plants, primeval forests and thermophillic oakwoods. The Bukovské hills are created by flysch rocks in which layers of claystones change with sandstones and menilite layers with the total thickness up to 5,000 m. The highest point of the border ridge (Ukraine) is Stinská (1,092 m a.s.l.) and inside the territory it is Vel'kv Bukovec (1,012 m a.s.l.). The lowest point is situated below the Ubl'a village (200 m a.s.l.). Soils belong mainly to forest "type of soils with pH value 4.0 to 5.0. Average annual temperature in the long-term consideration is about 7.6° C (January -4°C min., July +15.3°C max.). The average annual precipitation is 800 - 850 mm. From the overall species spectrum of fungal flora, several :critically endangered species (Ascotremella faginea, Gyrodon lividus), endangered species (Camarops tubuiina, Pseudoplectania melaena) and rare species (Verpa conica, Hericium erinaceus) occur here. Within this locality; a special attention should be paid to some smaller sites with a different level of protection and with the occurrence of rare and typical species of fungi representing typical biotopes of the given area. Udava (nature reserve, 277 fungi species) - open; mixed fir-beech stand with the substrate of fallen beech trunks. Bahno (nature reserve, 60 fungi species) - beech stand around a bog with the occurrence of mycorrhizal species typical for bogs (Cortinarius gentilis). Suzica (national nature reserve; 473 fungi species) - the forest stand with many fallen beech and fir trunks' with heavy shading and inclination. Rozok (national nature reserve, 278 fungi species) - mainly on fallen beech trunks and branches, beech stems, in leaf mould and detritus.